Fr Daniel Dixon, S.J.
Daniel J. Dixon, SJ, was born and raised in Birmingham, Michigan, by his loving parents, Mike and Sharon, along with his older brothers, Mike and Tom. He met the Jesuits while a student at the University of Detroit Jesuit High School. He attended the University of Notre Dame where he majored in theology and was taught and mentored by Fr. Brian Daley, SJ. After college, he joined the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE), where he taught middle school social studies and religion at St. John Vianney Catholic School in Goodyear, Arizona. While in ACE, Dan directed the school play and started the school baseball team. Dan’s experience in ACE and love of teaching encouraged him to enter the Jesuits in 2012. As a novice, Dan served in a variety of places, including St. Mary Student Parish at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. After taking vows in 2014, Dan moved to New York, where he completed degrees in private school leadership and business administration from Columbia University, while teaching English as a second language to immigrants and refugees at St. Rita’s Center in the Bronx.
Dan was then missioned to help start the Welsh Academy, a middle school for families of modest economic means at Saint Ignatius High School in Cleveland. There he taught high school theology and helped direct Saint Ignatius’ strategic plan. Dan then moved to Berkeley, California, to complete his Master of Divinity degree at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University in preparation for ordination. While living in the Bay Area, Dan served as a volunteer at the Oakland Catholic Worker and a deacon at St. Elizabeth’s, a thriving Latino/a parish in Oakland. His first Mass will be on Sunday, June 11, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Milwaukee. After ordination, Dan has been missioned to be a pastoral associate at St. Mary Student Parish at the University of Michigan.
Ph: (734) 663-0557 x225