Fresh Gathering

New to Campus? Join us for a home-cooked meal and learn how St Mary can become your new home away from home.

New Student Retreat

Freshmen and transfer students, join us for a day-retreat at St Mary Student Parish to reflect on your first month of school!

Ignatian Rosary

Join us on the Feast of our Lady of the Rosary as we pray through the Joyful Mysteries with imaginative, Ignatian contemplation.

Sacred Stories

Sacred Stories is an annual event where the peer ministry interns share their faith testimonies! All are welcome to attend!

Is there such thing as a “catholic vote” ?

Join us for a presentation by UM political science professor Dr. Ken Kollman and Fr. Dan about the history of U.S. Catholics and voting, incorporating all elements Catholic social teaching […]

Fire and Flannels

All undergrads are welcome! Weare a flannel!

Alternative Spring Break- Info session

ASB is a week-long service immersion over Spring Break for undergrads to learn about complex justice issues , encounter Christ in others, and deepen their faith

Vocations fair

meet representatives from more than a dozen religious orders and the Diocese!

Christian Contemplative Prayer and Mental Health

This session will provide practical insights and spiritual guidance for incorporating contemplative practices into your daily life to foster emotional well-being. Experience how contemplative prayer can deepen your relationship with […]

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