9 events found.
Feast Day of Service
Feast day of Service is an opportunity to join for Mass, lunch, and an afternoon of service in honor of Mary, our patron saint.St. Mary Student Parish: Feast Day of […]
Advent Prayer and Penance Service
Ignatian Reflection led by Fr Dan followed by Penance Service
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Bilingual Mass followed by a potluck dinner (bring a dish to share)
Ignatian Prayer Series
Ignatian Prayer. What Is it? What makes it unique? Is it for you?A three-session series about Ignatian prayer practices and the thinking behind them. Explore what St. Ignatius thought about prayer and the methods of prayer he and others have […]
Coffee and Donuts with a Jesuit
After 10 am mass, come and meet our Jesuit Novice, Noah Smith, nSJ