December Gift 2014


The end of the calendar year is approaching and with it the chance to offer St. Mary’s an end-of-year gift that will bless both the giver and receiver.

Beginning Sunday 12/14 you may contribute a December Gift to help us continue to offer our eight Sunday masses, confirmation prep for 57 eighth-graders, Family Faith Formation for 250 children and their parents and 65 undergraduate catechists, 230 student and resident parishioners in 26 Small Church Communities, baptism classes, baptisms, and other sacraments. You will also help us to support Ig.nite (70-80 undergrad students attending Thursday mass, dinner, and a presentation in spiritual formation), our ten undergrad interns, weekend retreats for undergrads, grads, and young professionals, to name only some of our great programs.

These gifts comprise our Annual Fund, which along with revenue from Sunday Collections, endowment interest and fees, allows us to do all we do – for you, for those we serve, and for our Creator and Lord.

Donation cards are available at the back of the church or you can donate online by clicking the Give button at the top right of this page.

Memorial Garden Columbarium

The custom of burying our loved ones near the parish church is almost as old as the concept of a parish itself. It is also a symbol of our life in faith, which begins in Baptism and ends with death and new life in Christ.

At the request of our parishioners, St. Mary Student Parish is constructing a memorial garden columbarium for the internment of remains of parish members and loved ones. A columbarium is an arrangement of openings, or niches, that are used as a permanent resting place for urns containing the cremated remains of an individual.

After years of planning, we’ve obtained permission from the Bishop and our memorial garden is under construction! Our columbarium is composed of cast bronze and granite, with 214 niches available. It is located in the courtyard behind the parish offices. The in-ground structure is along the wall facing the bell, and is visible from the upper atrium. In the spring, the surrounding areas of the columbarium will be beautifully landscaped.

For more information, including pricing and availability, please contact Julie Mussio

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