Street Closures for Sunday, May 14, 2017

This weekend is Mother’s Day and once again Epic Races will have the Goddess Run along Liberty, with the Start/Finish on Maynard.  The entrance to the parking structure on Maynard will be closed.  However, the entrance on Thompson will be open and accessible. The race begins at 8:00 AM and street closures should not extend into the afternoon.

Bulletin for Sundays May 7 & 14, 2017

As we move into our summer schedule, note our bulletins will be published every other week, covering two weeks of parish activity. Check out page 2 for a reflection from Taylor Fulkerson, nSJ, who completes his time with our parish this month. Also don’t forget to sign up for the blood drive and save the dates for our summer film series!

Summer with St. Mary

Students! Are you going to be living in or around Ann Arbor this summer? Would you like to stay up to date on fun events happening at St. Mary Student Parish? Sign up for our summer events email list. You will receive a weekly email about events – SCCs, socials, and more – during the summer.

2018 Holy Week Schedule


Wednesday, March 28
6:00 PM Confessions
6:00-10:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration

Holy Thursday, March 29
7:30 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Eucharistic Adoration until midnight

Good Friday, March 30
9:00 AM – 12 Noon Eucharistic Adoration
12:10 PM Good Friday Service
7:30 PM Bilingual Stations of the Cross

Holy Saturday, March 31
8:30 PM Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday, April 1
Mass at 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 10:10 AM, 12 Noon,
12:10 PM, 2:00 PM (Spanish), 5:00 PM, 9:00 PM

Easter Vigil – Help Needed

St. Mary holds a reception after the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 15 to welcome our new members into our community and we need your help to make this a special time for them! Please consider giving a little of your time—we need volunteers for the shifts listed below.

Set Up, Serve & Clean Up
10:00 PM  Set-up
11:30 PM  Serving
12:30 AM  Clean up (lots of help needed here!)

Donate Food
We need finger foods already cut up and ready to be served:

  • Cut up veggies & dip or veggie tray
  • Cut up fruit or fruit tray
  • Cheese slices/cubes and crackers
  • Cookies or bars

We need all food brought to the parish by 12 noon on Saturday, April 15.

We know it is a very late night, but what better way to welcome these new members to our community! Sign up online or on the sheets in the atrium or email Susan [email protected]

March Match Madness is Back!

Our annual March matching fundraiser is back. We are excited to announce that we received a $50,000 matching contribution! With your help, we can raise $100,000 to support Catholic campus ministry at the University of Michigan.

Give today and double the impact of your gift! Three easy ways to give:

Click Here to Donate Online
Pick Up a Donation Card at the Church Entrances
Use the Venmo App (username @SMSPumich comment March Match)

Ash Wednesday Mass Featured on Ann Arbor News

Ash Wednesday marks start of Lent in Ann Arbor

ANN ARBOR, MI – Hundreds of churchgoers gathered at St. Mary’s Student Parish on Thompson Street for an evening Ash Wednesday service led by the Rev. Joe Wagner. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period of fasting in the Christian tradition, leading to Easter.

Statement of Solidarity from the Catholic Campus Community

The Catholic Campus Community (CCC) stands in solidarity with those who have been victims of recent messages of hate on campus at the University of Michigan. It has truly been an exhausting and polarizing year and we want you to know that despite what the hateful messages have said:

You are welcome here.

You belong here.

Your life matters.

These messages were just the tip of the iceberg in an overall uncharitable climate, and we recognize the pain and fear associated with what has occurred. We are here to support you in whatever way you need, and want you to know that St. Mary Student Parish is a welcoming place for you regardless of your race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, immigration status, or any other identity. We provide study spaces, quiet spaces, and we are here to listen, socialize, and/or support students in whatever ways needed.

Sign-up for Small Church Communities

Click here to sign up!

Are you wanting to deepen your faith this Lenten season? Are you stuck in your prayer life? Do you want to journey with others towards Christ? Consider joining a Small Church Community (SCC).

SCC’s offer the opportunity to gather with a community centered around authentic conversations, real relationships, and restoring faith. Groups meet once a week for 90 minutes to reflect and discuss the readings for the upcoming Sunday. There is a group for everyone and every need.

Still thinking about joining? Check out some reviews from past participants:

“I joined an SCC for the first time last Lent and had a wonderful experience. More than anything else that I have done, I felt that an SCC really helped me to connect to and grow in my faith.”

“SCC has 100% helped me to become more spiritual in my daily life. It has encouraged me to see God outside of church and really think about actions in my daily life and how they reflect God or how I can try to act more humbly and be a better person.”

“I have met some amazing people through SCC. Friends that I truly cherish and admire. Immediately, since my last SCC, I was amazed to meet people who truly cared about me even though they only knew me for a short while. That to me is so amazing and something I will always cherish.”

Evening Volunteers Needed for Rotating Shelter!

Each winter, St. Mary Student Parish hosts a rotating overnight shelter for men experiencing homelessness.

This year we will host men from Monday, February 6 through Monday morning, February 13. We are in need of a hospitality team to welcome guests and an overnight staff to spend the night.  To sign up for one or more of these shifts, please do so here:

If you would like to donate snacks for the shelter, or if you have any questions, please contact Amy Ketner

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