One Thing Remains

written by Stephanie Smith on Thursday after Ash Wednesday

I find today’s Gospel to be particularly relevant to my life today. When faced with new challenges, new opportunities, and new relationships, I often find myself paralyzed with fear. I think to myself, “I like my life the way that it is! I don’t want things to change!” Sometimes the change in my life can be good, but other times it can take the form of a job loss, the end of a relationship, or the death of a loved one. I can find myself desperately holding onto my life out of comfort or out of fear. The impermanence of life can overwhelm me as I am forced to acknowledge that nothing really stays as it is.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus says to his disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.” The God who loves us is constantly renewing us and calling us to a deeper relationship, calling us to conversion, and that call means that it is impossible for us to stay just as we are. Jesus calls us not to preserve our lives for our own sake, but rather to lose our lives for his sake. I lose my life in the name of Christ when I seek his will above my own, even when that means that I will face difficulty and uncertainty.


While there are many things in our lives that may change, Christ’s love for us is steadfast even to the point of death. It is his death and suffering that makes our own deaths temporary. When we say yes to losing our lives in his name, we say yes to the eternal life that he offers. As we begin this holy season of Lent, it is a great time for us to ask ourselves how we may lose our lives for Christ.

Questions for Reflection:
What are the crosses we carry, and how can we carry these crosses in ways that build up God’s kingdom?
How can be become more detached from our own desires and orient our lives towards Christ?


unnamedStephanie Smith
Stephanie is a resident parishioner and an active member of the Graduate/Young Professional group at St. Mary Student Parish. She teaches theology and coaches volleyball at Divine Child High School in Dearborn.



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