David Mutone

Hey everyone! My name is David Mutone, and I am a junior from the Metro-Detroit area studying electrical engineering. I love to play music on the piano and the pipe organ; I enjoy playing classical music (my favorite composers are Rachmaninoff and Bach), and I enjoy playing at Mass! On campus, I am a sub-team lead for the MRover project team; I also like participating in intramural leagues with people from St. Mary. In my free time, I like to read, exercise, hang out in the Newman Lounge, and search for a food that doesn’t go well with sriracha (still no luck there). I can’t wait to serve this community as an intern next year; if/when you see me around, please say hi! I’d love to meet and get to know you 🙂


Em: dmutone@umich.edu

Wade Gerberding

Hi everyone! My name is Wade Gerberding and I am a Senior from Traverse City, MI majoring in Biomolecular Science, and minoring in music. After graduating, I plan to attend dental school. I love doing a lot of different things such as playing basketball, running, working out, being outside, spending quality time with friends and family, playing the guitar and piano, and trying new things. On campus, I’m in the Pre-Dental Association and I’m a dental assistant at the U of M dental school. I also enjoy being competitive while playing intramural sports with my friends and members of the St. Mary’s community. I am excited to be on this team of interns to help bring students into a community of faith, and to continue to strengthen and build my faith through others.

Ph: 231-620-6474

Em: wadeg@umich.edu

Sophie Moffett

Hey friends! My name is Sophie Moffett and I’m a sophomore in the University of Michigan School of Nursing. I am from the St. Louis, MO metro area and my favorite thing to do at home is watch sunsets! Here in Ann Arbor, I am involved with the St. Mary’s community through leadership in Women’s AMDG and SMSP Pro-Life Ministry, in addition to the Student Nurses Association. In my free time I enjoy going on adventures with friends, staying active and reading fun books! I look forward to my role as a student intern this year and building relationships with you in our community!


Em: sophimof@umich.edu

Stephanie Vuylsteke

Hi! My name is Stephanie and I will be one of the interns this year, helping with the Family Faith Formation program. I am a senior in the School of Education majoring in Elementary Education. In my spare time I like to play with my cat, watch reality television, and play games. If you are interested in a competitive Euchre game, come find me! When I’m not at St. Mary’s I’m likely at a local Mexican restaurant (Tios) or coffee shop. I am looking forward to meeting you all and getting to know you this year!


Em: svuylste@umich.edu

Libby Widlack

Hi everyone! My name is Libby Widlak, and I am beyond excited to be a part of the 2022-2023 intern team! I am a sophomore majoring in math (I think?) with the hopes of attending law school some day. Outside of St. Mary’s I am involved with outrage dance group on campus as well as the undergraduate research program. I also love to read, ski, and hang out with my dog (the cutest little yorkie!). I can’t wait to see everyone this year!


Em: libbywid@umich.edu

Noah Bock

Hello! My name is Noah Bock, and I’m a junior studying public policy and economics. I really enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing – you name it! I’m also an avid distance runner, and I’m always looking for new places to run. When I’m not “studying” in the Lounge, you might find me eating at No Thai (Pad Thai Curry), playing strategy board games (Risk anyone?), reading books (history and biography), watching Star Wars (nerd alert), hoarding Dr. Pepper, playing the piano, attempting to play the guitar, or going on a long walk. Looking forward to meeting everyone this year!


Em: bockn@umich.edu

Emma Allen

Hi friends! My name is Emma Allen and I am a sophomore in the University of Michigan school of Nursing. I am from Kingsford, Michigan – in the U.P!! (Yes, we have running water…but not much else). After undergrad, I hope to earn my Master’s degree as a Nurse Practitioner specializing in pediatric oncology (I adore kiddos!) I have been a catholic convert since the 8th grade and look forward to building my faith with all of you! I hope to help lead events and activities and build our beautiful community that has done so much for me. I also co-lead our Women’s AMDG group here at St. Mary’s which I LOVE, and played on our St. Mary’s competitive intramural volleyball team! In my free time, which is quite limited, I enjoy traveling, running, volleyball, petting my little doggies, spending time with friends and family, and what I am most famously known for – sleeping. I am absolutely stoked to be interning and working with this parish, so if you see me around (often running late for something or giggling a little too loudly) please say hi! 😉


Em: emmaalle@umich.edu

Clara Rowe

Hey SMSP community! My name is Clara Rowe, and I’m super excited to be on the intern team this year and get even more involved within St. Mary’s! I’m from Livonia, MI which is about 30 minutes from Ann Arbor. I come from a family of 8, having 4 sisters and 1 brother. I’m going into my second year in the College of Engineering and am planning to major in Chemical Engineering and minor in Environmental Engineering. I’m very passionate about sustainability and helping the planet. You can often find me at Ignite, studying in the lounge, or at student masses at St. Mary’s. I also was a catechist this past year! Outside of St. Mary’s, I’m involved in Phi Sigma Rho, a sorority for women in engineering. In my free time, as limited as it is, I like to workout, go on runs, and spend time in the sunshine:) I’m looking forward to making this a great year!


Em: rowecl@umich.ed

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