We Connect People
to Jesus and Each Other

Join us for an Ignatian Bilingual Retreat on November 10-12, click here for more information and registration!
Parishoner Programs
Faith Doing Justice
The Faith Doing Justice Ministry at St. Mary Student Parish seeks to provide opportunities for students and parishioners to grow in faith and love through acts of justice and charity
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For over 20 years, St. Mary Student Parish has been blessed with a Mass in Spanish, and an ever-growing Hispanic/Latino Ministry
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We welcome active participation in our celebration of the Lord’s Supper and invite each parish member to become involved in a meaningful way.
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Our Masses feature a variety of musical styles to help our diverse parishioners connect with God
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Through participation in the sacraments, we encounter Jesus and come to a fuller understanding of the ways in which God’s grace is active in our lives
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Each year, we guide and walk with a group of people who are thinking about becoming Catholic, and those who want to explore the faith and ask questions
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Our Small Church Communities (SCCs) provide time each week where people of all ages come together to read and reflect on the upcoming Sunday’s Scripture readings.
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