All Undergraduates are invited to join and be inspired by other enthusiastic seekers who are on the RCIA journey. These open RCIA Wednesday night, sessions are an opportunity for Catholic undergrads to dive deeper into their faith and Catholic teaching.
Join us for a Filipino Culture Night! All are welcome to come for Parol making and to gain insight into the rich Filipino faith-based Catholic traditions in preparing for the Christmas Season through activities that will help children, adults and others discover the spiritual meaning of Christmas.
All are invited to an evening of prayer as we enter this Advent season, and reflect on God's many gifts to us, especially the gift of his Son through the Mystery of the Incarnation. We will also pray an Ignatian Examen to discover how God is at work in our lives, and in the world.For questions, contact [email protected]
Join us on December 12 @ 7 Pm (bilingual mass) followed by a potluck dinner (bring a dish to share) . Here is the link to watch the mass online: