Please note that on Sunday, March 2, there will be no confessions at 7 PM and no Mass at 8 PM.                                                      

From Monday, March 3, to Thursday, March 5, the office will close at 9 PM, and on Friday, March 7, it will close at 1 PM.  There won’t be confessions on Wednesday, March 5 (Ash Wednesday)



Newman Hall

Join us for a Filipino Culture Night! All are welcome to come for Parol making and to gain insight into the rich Filipino faith-based Catholic traditions in preparing for the Christmas Season through activities that will help children, adults and others discover the spiritual meaning of Christmas.

Advent Prayer Service


All are invited to an evening of prayer as we enter this Advent season, and reflect on God's many gifts to us, especially the gift of his Son through the Mystery of the Incarnation. We will also pray an Ignatian Examen to discover how God is at work in our lives, and in the world.For questions, contact rzyber@smspnewman.org

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Join us on December 12 @ 7 Pm (bilingual mass) followed by a potluck dinner (bring a dish to share) . Here is the link to watch the mass online:

Grad/YP Welcome back

Grad/ YP Welcome back after after the 5pm Sunday Mass. Due to cancelling the Monday, Janaury 8 Grad/ YP Mass and Dinner, we will host a welcome back gathering with pizza.

Kateri Mass & Reception

The Kateri Institute for Catholic Studies will be sponsoring a Votive Mass for St. Thomas Aquinas at St. Mary Student Parish followed by a reception with free pizza.  This event will be an opportunity for Catholic faculty and staff to connect with Catholic undergraduate and graduate students at Michigan.

Salsa Night

Join us for a night of salsa instruction and dancing to celebrate the Feast of Candlemas!

Encounter night

A diocese provided Eucharistic encounter night with professional musicians, adoration, prayer, and a social afterwards.

Grad/ YP Spiritual Directions

We will be having a Lenten Prayer Service, featuring a guided prayer, short reflections from select Lead Team members, Adoration, Confessions, and music throughout the night. After our Prayer Service ends, all are welcome to join us at a local restaurant/bar for fellowship.Feel free to email the Lead Team (smsp.grads.lead@umich.edu) with any questions you may […]

Ignatian Yoga

Fr. Bobby and Alan Haras will offer an Ignatian Spirituality & Yoga session on Sunday, March 3, in Donnelly Hall from 6:15-7:45 pm. All are welcome.  Registration at ignatianspiritualityandyoga.com/programs

Tour of Relics of St. Jean de Brébeuf

Jesuits are traveling with the relics of St. Jean de Brébeuf across the USA. Pilgrims will have the opportunity to venerate the relics, attend Mass, and hear a presentation on the story of the life and death of this missionary-martyr.7-8 pm - Veneration in church8-9 pm - Student Mass9-10 pm - Presentation

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