Sun Sunday | Mon Monday | Tue Tuesday | Wed Wednesday | Thu Thursday | Fri Friday | Sat Saturday |
1 11:00 am Pageant Music Rehearsal 1:00 pm Spanish Reconciliation 3:00 pm Hispanic birthdays 4:00 pm RECONCILIATION 6:00 pm Women's Bible Study 7:00 pm RECONCILIATION | 2 10:00 am Eucharistic Adoration (Mon. Morning) 3:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration 5:45 pm Rosary for Peace 6:00 pm Catechist Planning 6:30 pm Grad/YP spiritual direction Undergrad Advent Prayer Group 7:00 pm Born for Joy 7:30 pm CSE (Catholic Student Evangelization) 8:00 pm Middle Eastern Students' Bible Study | 3 10:00 am Eucharistic Adoration (Tue. Morning) 2:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration 7:00 pm Mens/Womens Connect | 4 6:30 am Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe 5:00 pm Finance Council 5:45 pm Eucharistic Adoration (Wed. Evening) Reconciliation 6:30 pm SCC Grad/YP (with Oscar) 7:00 pm Cristeros Hispanic Student Group OCIA 9:00 pm Candlelight Mass | 5 6:30 am Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe 10:00 am Eucharistic Adoration (Thur. Morning) 6:00 pm Ig.Nite 6:30 pm Baptism class in English and Spanish 7:00 pm Chaldean Mass 7:15 pm Mary Bible Study 7:30 pm A Biblical Walk through the Mass SCC Grad/YP (Andrew) 8:00 pm Chaldean Reception | 6 6:30 am Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe 8:15 am Rosary in Spanish 2:30 pm EC Group 3:00 pm Undergraduate Bible Study 5:00 pm St Mary Crochet Group 5:30 pm Into the Light Intramural Sports Banquet | 7 6:30 am Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe 10:00 am FEAST DAY OF SERVICE FEAST DAY OF SERVICE |
8 6:30 am Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe 8:15 am FFF (8:15am Session) 10:00 am Children's Liturgy of the Word 11:15 am FFF (11:15am Session) 1:00 pm Spanish Reconciliation 3:15 pm H/L Sacramental Prep Teen Confirmation 4:00 pm RECONCILIATION 7:00 pm RECONCILIATION | 9 LAST DAY OF CLASSES 6:30 am Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe 10:00 am Eucharistic Adoration (Mon. Morning) 5:45 pm Rosary for Peace 6:30 pm Undergrad Advent Prayer Group 7:00 pm Born for Joy Music Rehearsal 7:30 pm CSE (Catholic Student Evangelization) | 10 6:30 am Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe 10:00 am Eucharistic Adoration (Tue. Morning) 6:30 pm Advent Ignatian Prayer and Penance Service 7:00 pm Catholic Thinker Book Club | 11 6:30 am Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe 5:45 pm Eucharistic Adoration (Wed. Evening) Reconciliation 6:30 pm SCC Grad/YP (with Oscar) 7:00 pm OCIA Parish Council | 12 6:30 am Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe 10:00 am Eucharistic Adoration (Thur. Morning) Women of the Heart 7:30 pm SCC Grad/YP (Andrew) 8:00 pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration | 13 8:15 am Rosary in Spanish 5:30 pm Into the Light 6:00 pm Bilingual First Reconciliation Service | 14 |
15 Winter Commencement 10:00 am Children's Liturgy of the Word 12:45 pm ESL (English as a Second Language) 1:00 pm Spanish Reconciliation 3:15 pm H/L Sacramental Prep 4:00 pm RECONCILIATION 5:00 pm Simbang Gabi Mass & Reception 7:00 pm RECONCILIATION | 16 10:00 am Eucharistic Adoration (Mon. Morning) 5:45 pm Rosary for Peace 6:30 pm Grad/YP Mass Grad/YP dinner Undergrad Advent Prayer Group 7:00 pm Born for Joy 7:30 pm CSE (Catholic Student Evangelization) Rosary in Spanish | 17 10:00 am Eucharistic Adoration (Tue. Morning) 7:00 pm Just Faith SCC LGBT Outreach Ministry | 18 5:45 pm Eucharistic Adoration (Wed. Evening) Reconciliation 6:30 pm SCC Grad/YP (with Oscar) | 19 7:15 pm Mary Bible Study | 20 8:15 am Rosary in Spanish 5:30 pm Into the Light | 21 |
22 1:00 pm Spanish Reconciliation 3:00 pm Be Bold 4:00 pm RECONCILIATION 5:00 pm Simbang Gabi Mass & Reception | 23 | 24 | 25 HOLIDAY | 26 HOLIDAY | 27 HOLIDAY 8:15 am Rosary in Spanish | 28 |
29 1:00 pm Spanish Reconciliation 4:00 pm RECONCILIATION | 30 HOLIDAY | 31 HOLIDAY |