SCC Reflection & Sign Up Link


Freshman year was difficult. Nothing can compare to it: leaving home, the only life I had known up to that point, and moving to a huge university where I could be surrounded by people and still feel lonely. I was told that it takes time to make friends, which is true, but the waiting was excruciating.

I came to mass by myself one Sunday, and prayed that God would help me get through the next few weeks until I could go home again. At the end of mass, I heard an announcement for the Small Church Communities. I cannot describe what I felt, but something in me moved and I felt an urge to join an SCC. I hoped that I would make some friends and maybe learn a little more about my faith.

When our first meeting rolled around, I was a nervous wreck. I have always been shy and really didn’t know what an SCC would be like. Even so, I went and was amazed by the community created in this group. I made some of my best friends here in Ann Arbor, one of which is now my roommate. Now, almost 3 years later, we still meet as a group and my SCC helps me to bring God into my daily life. I have grown tremendously in my faith, and I can honestly say that my Small Church Community has changed my life.

Elise Huber is junior studying Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan

Interested in joining an SCC? Please visit our SCC Registration Form.


Busy Student Retreat is Back!

Are you looking for a way to deepen your faith? Do you want to go on a retreat but feel too busy to commit to a weekend away? Not sure what to ‘do’ for Lent this year? If so, the Busy Student Retreat is for you!

Spend time with God in the midst of your regular hectic schedule. Bring the joys and concerns of your daily life into conversation with Jesus. Invite the Holy Spirit into your decision making.

WHO The retreat is open to undergrads and members of the graduate student & young professional group

WHAT Retreatants commit to 15 minutes of daily individual prayer and 30 minutes meeting weekly with a spiritual companion (a Campus Minister, priest, or a parishioner who will lend a listening ear and talk with you about your prayer and faith life)

WHEN February 15 – April 7 (The retreat takes place in your daily life during the Lenten Season)

COST $10.00 (financial assistance available if needed)

Registration is open through Sunday, February 8th.

If you have any questions and/or require financial assistance please contact Abby Braun.

Lenten SCC Sign Up



We all come from different places on the faith journey, but in a community with sharing we find we are all heading in the same direction. Why not join us this Lent? Journey with us in a Lenten Small Church Community by praying and sharing Scripture – we believe you will be richer for the experience.

For more information, including meeting times and locations, please visit our SCC Registration Form.

Visitation and Funeral Mass for Christine Hennessy


St. Mary will be hosting visitation and funeral mass for Christine Hennessy.


Muehligs – Sunday 1/25 2:00-6:00 PM
St. Mary – Monday 1/26 10:00-11:00 AM

Mass in celebration of Christine’s life to follow visitation at St. Mary on Monday 1/26 at 11:00 AM.

Lunch will be served in Donnelly Hall following Mass.

The Fr. Gabriel Richard Lecture Series Presents Fr. Tom Firestone

The Role of Religion in Community Organization


A lecture and discussion led by Fr. Tom Firestone

Thursday, Jan. 22nd at 7:00 PM 
Donnelly Hall at St. Mary Student Parish

Events like those in Ferguson, MO this past year showed us that minorities or those living in poverty don’t feel like they have a voice in their community.

How can the Church empower those with no political leverage?

Fr. Tom Firestone will speak from his experience helping to rebuild the city of Flint by providing safety, housing, education, and administration. Joining him will be Dr. Thomas Henthorn, Professor of History at U of M – Flint.

Lenten SCC Sign Up



Maybe you’d like to meet new people. Maybe you’d like to spend more time learning about your faith from others. Maybe you’d like to grow spiritually. Maybe you’d like to improve your relationship with God. Whatever your reason – it’s the right one.

For more information, including meeting times and locations, please visit our SCC Registration Form.

Volunteer with our ESL Program


Our Hispanic Ministry is continuing the English as a Second Language (ESL) conversational program for our Hispanic/Latino community. The goal of the program is to provide a safe space for the Hispanic/Latino community at St. Mary to practice their English and receive personalized guidance from native English speakers.

ESL runs every Sunday this semester from 12:45-1:45 pm. We are seeking volunteers that would be interested in working one-on-one with adults that want to practice their English skills. While moderate proficiency in Spanish is preferred, it is NOT REQUIRED!

ESL was a huge success last semester and we look forward to continuing this successful program for the Winter 2015 semester! Please contact Caroline Soyars for more information about how to get involved.

Visitation and Funeral Mass for Eric Warden


St. Mary will be hosting visitation and funeral Mass for Eric Warden.

Wednesday, 1/14: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Thursday, 1/15: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Funeral Mass
Thursday, 1/15 – 11:00am

There will be a luncheon in Donnelly Hall following Mass.

January Warming Shelter


St. Mary will continue to provide volunteers for the Daytime Warming Shelter from 9AM-4PM Monday-Friday through the end of January.

There are two shifts: 9AM-12PM and 12PM-4PM

Sign up here 

Volunteers are asked to arrive 15 minutes before their shift begins in order to receive instructions from the shelter coordinator. We are also in need of donations of snacks for the shelter.

Contact Lisa Hirsch with questions.

December Gift 2014


The end of the calendar year is approaching and with it the chance to offer St. Mary’s an end-of-year gift that will bless both the giver and receiver.

Beginning Sunday 12/14 you may contribute a December Gift to help us continue to offer our eight Sunday masses, confirmation prep for 57 eighth-graders, Family Faith Formation for 250 children and their parents and 65 undergraduate catechists, 230 student and resident parishioners in 26 Small Church Communities, baptism classes, baptisms, and other sacraments. You will also help us to support Ig.nite (70-80 undergrad students attending Thursday mass, dinner, and a presentation in spiritual formation), our ten undergrad interns, weekend retreats for undergrads, grads, and young professionals, to name only some of our great programs.

These gifts comprise our Annual Fund, which along with revenue from Sunday Collections, endowment interest and fees, allows us to do all we do – for you, for those we serve, and for our Creator and Lord.

Donation cards are available at the back of the church or you can donate online by clicking the Give button at the top right of this page.

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