Lent: A Season of Abundance?

Written by Andrea Hanley on Friday after Ash Wednesday

Four years ago I found myself at the foot of the cross as Lent began.  It was like the Church calendar and my personal life got together and decided to give me an opening to grace.  My two year relationship had ended and my life and plans were thrown to the wind.  This was not the story I was cast into.  I knew God, and I knew this was not the story I was created for.  God doesn’t allow this kind of pain… or does he?  My heart had been broken open in ways that I was certain it would never recover from.  My life was in fasting mode.  The only thing in abundance was my time available for prayer and reflection.  I became acutely aware of the ways in which I was never in control.

Heartbreak and suffering have a way about them. They settled into my bones in a most excruciating way and caused me to reach out to friends and to God with great urgency—urgency that doesn’t exist in the smoother waters of life.  I solidified relationships in my life and prayed day and night.  My prayers were with hope and despair and every breath in between. “Heal my heart.  Give me hope.”

andreaI say all of this because it is no trite thing to be getting married this summer, to someone else.  To stand on the other side with a heart that is whole and with a person that is deserving of this heart is something I do not take for granted.  In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus says, “How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast,” (Matthew 9:15).  I never understood what that meant, but I feel the closest to it now. To be in a season of abundance in a Lenten season of penance, reflection, refocus, and recommitment is a harder invitation for me than when I had no other options and my heart needed healing and grace in the most tangible way.  How can I fast when there is much to celebrate, as the disciples with their Lord with them, and as wedding guests in the midst of a feast?  In what ways am I being stretched to see Lent as the whole picture instead of the sullen process?  This Lent I pray to embrace the entire Paschal Mystery of life, death, and resurrection in the events of my own life as they have happened, and as they will happen again.

Questions for Reflection:
Are you in a season of fasting, abundance, or somewhere in between in your life?  How is this place a gateway to refocus into the Lenten season?

AndreaGregEngaged_0032-LAndrea Hanley
Andrea is a young professional who has been a member of St. Mary Student Parish for five years. She is a Child Life Specialist at Mott Children’s Hospital where she works preparing children for surgical procedures. She and her fiance, Greg will be married on August 27th of this year.
Email[email protected]


Walking into Lent

Written by Jeff Thiele on Thursday after Ash Wednesday

Talk about blanket of comfort.

Resting on the eve of Lent (some may call it Fat Tuesday), my heart was astray. For some reason, the word “paczki” seemed to aggravate me, my mind was swirling and I had a difficult time feeling any sense of peace within myself. The time of day reached ten o’clock and I was truly ready to go to bed and get rid of this day I was having. Although upon arriving home, I was greeted by my very much still awake roommates, which I normally would absolutely love but at this point put me more on edge. I questioned what was happening with me at that point.

So I laid down into a bed of empty, swirling thoughts that I knew were just put in my mind to make me feel uncomfortable. My mind went to what Jesus perhaps might have felt upon entering the desert – uneasiness, angst, sadness… Knowing that Jesus might have been feeling this way eased me enough to let my dreams take over.

I woke up the next day with a small headache, but I could tell the headache was truly of the body, nothing else. Getting up felt different. While walking into the kitchen a blanket of warmth was simultaneously spread around me, a sign from God that today I would be okay with what I felt last night. I went about my day wearing this spiritual blanket across my shoulders, keeping me calm and in an ambient state of constancy about what my actions were, where my mind was and where I was headed. After receiving my ashes, I leaned back in my chair and felt a connection to those around me – we are all entering a journey, one that will push us into spiritual and emotional discomfort. However, I feel at peace with myself and with those around me, a peace that has blanketed itself over the entire Church, that tells us to go forth and be secure in who we are and where our journeys might take us this Lent.

Suggestion for Prayer:
Take some time in silence to become aware of God’s peace inside of you.

jeff-thieleJeff Thiele
Jeff is a junior studying Biomedical Engineering with a minor in music at U of M.  Although he’s being taught how to think analytically, his creative side seems to dominate all that he does. He believes that connecting spiritually and emotionally to other people via expression is essential to all humans and hopes that, through his role as a retreats intern here at SMSP, he can relay his lessons learned and thoughts on life to other students in new and interesting ways.
Email: [email protected]

Companions on the Journey

Written by Colleen McClain on Ash Wednesday

You are the visible face of the invisible Father.

As I reached the station of the crucifixion, I hesitated before picking up the hammer.  Written on the small piece of wood in my hand were the crosses I carried with me that day—emotional, physical, spiritual burdens.

This “Journey with Jesus” had been deeply personal—sitting silently in the desert; contemplating His transfiguration before me; coming face-to-face with my own brokenness in the Last Supper.  Finally I, and several other parishioners, had arrived at the last station in the courtyard.  Was I ready to place my crosses, intimate as they were, before the Lord and my companions?

I glanced at the wooden pieces affixed before me and took in their rawness. Even among the few gathered that day, the burdens I carried were hardly mine alone.  Each of us had been broken in remarkably similar ways; so too had Christ before us.

Today, we join Him and each other on the Lenten journey.  We examine our hearts; we take up our crosses; we go forth to these forty days cast as a common humanity.


The dust that I am and to which I shall return feels easily lost to the slightest breeze.  Yet I imagine Jesus in our midst as we celebrate Mass today, pushing us ever-so-gently together, reassuring us that not one of us carries the cross in isolation.

That swept together into the Body of Christ, awash in God’s mercy, this very dust will ground us in the most profound of ways.

Dust forming the earth on which we will stand at the end of our journey, at the foot of the cross.

Dust from which distractions are milled away, allowing the desire for a heart that is changed and pure to grow.

Dust as the ashes that mark our foreheads in humility, as we go forth in solidarity with the St. Mary’s community and the entirety of the Body.

St. Paul reminds us in today’s readings that we are ambassadors for Christ.  I pray that I might find the strength to raise my eyes outward as I look inward this Lent; to sincerely gaze into those of friends and strangers alike—ready to find eyes full of hope or fear, hearts struggling with their own crosses yet ready to say a prayer in return for me.

Together we will be tempted in the desert; together, witness Him transfigured; together, break bread in memory.  And with space in our hearts and lives for God to enter in, together we will be transformed. For today, it’s the first step that matters.

Behold, now is a very acceptable time;
behold, now is the day of salvation.

Suggestion for Prayer and Questions for Reflection:
Read Pope Francis’s Prayer for the Jubilee Year of Mercy.  How will you be Christ’s visible face in the world this Lent?
How will you make space in your heart, and in your life, for this Lenten journey to change you?  Who will walk with you on this journey?

MPSM_Bio_PicColleen McClain
Colleen is a PhD student in the Michigan Program in Survey Methodology at the Institute for Social Research.  When not at ISR, she can still usually be found on Thompson Street—serving with the GRAD/YP and Small Church Community leadership teams or the noon choir at SMSP—or taking up residence at a coffee shop a few blocks away.
Email: [email protected]

2016 Lenten Resources


Cast into the Story: SMSP Lent 2016

Cross-SunriseThis Lent you have been cast into the story. The roles will not always be easy; you may find yourself tempted by the devil, as Jesus was for 40 days in the wilderness. Or you may find you’ve turned away from Jesus, as Peter did on the eve of the crucifixion. We are all cast into different roles, at different times, but during these times we must remember we are all one cast: children of God. Open your heart this Lent and let the drama prepare you for the risen Lord.

Lenten Programs

Wednesday Evenings  7:00 PM-8:00 PM; February 3, 17, 24, March 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6 & 13
Fr. John Ferone, SJ will guide us as companions of Jesus, bringing us new life and hope through Jesus’ great baptism.

Saturday Mornings at 7:45 AM; February 13, 20 & March 12, 19
Reflect on Lenten scriptures and share a potluck breakfast.

Wednesdays  6:00-10:00 PM; Holy Thursday, March 24  9:00 PM-Midnight; Good Friday, March 25  9:00 AM-Noon

7:00 PM Monday nights

Monday nights at 6:15 PM
Silent, contemplative prayer in which thoughts and feelings are stilled as we simply seek to be with God.

Tuesday nights at 5:45 PM in English; Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM in Spanish

Thursday, February 11 & March 10 at 10:15 AM

Volunteers prepare & serve at Crossroads Soup Kitchen.  Contact Laura Padalino at [email protected]

Worship Opportunities

Mass and Distribution of Ashes
12:10 PM, 5:00 PM, 5:10 PM, 7:00 PM, 7:10 PM (Spanish) & 9:00 PM

5:10 PM-Liturgy to support and pray for the Alternative Spring Break participants followed by a reception in Newman Hall

Bilingual Stations of the Cross at 7:30 PM on March 25

All services begin at 7:00 PM
Feb 23 – Student Reconciliation Services at SMSP
Mar 14 – St. Thomas the Apostle Parish
Mar 15 – St. Mary Student Parish
Mar 16 – Old St. Patrick Parish
Mar 17 – St. Francis of Assisi Parish

Lenten Blog

Our Lenten blog is back! Throughout Lent we will feature daily reflections from students, resident parishioners, and parish staff on our website. Here are 4 easy ways to follow the blog:

  1. Click here to sign up to receive a daily email with blog post
  2. Download the myParish App and click on SMSP NEWS
  3. Go directly to our website (or bookmark it in your browser!) https://michigancatholics.org/category/lenten-blog/
  4. Follow us on social media: facebook & twitter

Rotating Men’s Shelter Sign Up

Each winter, St. Mary Student Parish hosts an overnight shelter for men experiencing homelessness.

This year we will host men from Monday, February 15 through Monday morning, February 22. We are in need of a hospitality team to welcome guests and an overnight staff to spend the night. If you would like to donate snacks for the shelter, please contact Bill Alt. This is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the Year of Mercy.

Click here to sign up!

Register Now for the Busy Student Retreat!

This Lent, spend time with God in the midst of your regular hectic schedule. Bring the joys and concerns of your daily life into conversation with Jesus. Invite the Holy Spirit into your decision making.

Click here to register!

Retreatants commit to:

  • An opening dinner on Ash Wednesday, February 10 at 5:30 pm
  • 15 minutes of individual prayer each day during the retreat (February 7- March 27)
  • 30-45 minutes of conversation each week with a spiritual companion
  • A closing celebration on Sunday, April 10

The Campus Ministry team will match you with a Spiritual Companion for your Lenten journey, with whom you will meet once a week during Lent.

The cost is $10. Deadline to register is Sunday, January 31. While it is called the “Busy Student Retreat,” this retreat is also open to Grad Students and Young Professionals. If you have any questions and/or require financial assistance, contact Abby Braun.

Sign Up for Small Church Communities!


Click here to sign up for the 2016 Lenten session!

Lent is a time when Catholics traditionally have fasted and prayed with the hope that they would have time to think about the more important things in life. Why not try it this Lent? In our parish, we will have the opportunity to gather in small groups of 8 to 10 people, once a week, starting the week of January 31st.

When we gather, we will read Scripture, pray, and share our faith. This experience will provide more than you can imagine. Sign up for a day and time of the week that works for you. You will not be sorry.

One parishioner reflects, “Ever since my SCC has started, I find myself thinking more about the importance of God in my life and my faith daily. I have a long way to go, but I am trying to pray more and trying to walk with Christ on my journey.”

For more information, please contact Kelly Dunlop.

January Daytime Warming Shelter

During the month of January in Newman Hall our parish community provides a welcoming, safe, and warm environment where people experiencing homelessness can find companionship, compassion, kindness, and respect. It is a place of encounter that Pope Francis so often speaks about. We provide food, coffee, a warm place of rest, the opportunity for conversation, and the building of relationships. Solidarity and mutual giving are the values that guide this ministry.

Click here to sign up for a shift or to donate food items

The daytime shelter opens at 8:00 AM and closes each day at 4:00 PM. Is your schedule unpredictable? Do you want to help but can’t commit in advance? We’re encouraging residents and parishioners to simply stop by the shelter (no sign up needed) when they have time to meet and converse with the community.

We are also enhancing the giving and receiving of new and gently used donations by creating a gift registry. These needs may range from personal toiletries, winter gear, lightly used or new clothing, cleaning supplies, and well-kept furniture (some of our guests are recently housed). For furniture donations, you will need to transport the items directly to the person requesting; we will help connect you with the guest.

Click here to view the gift registry and sign up for specific items


One of Us

Written by Fr. Ben Hawley, SJ on the Nativity of the Lord

It was 72 degrees in New York City yesterday morning, December 24. How do we celebrate Christmas Day? These are surprisingly real questions. Christmas Day honors the birth of the Savior of the World, and yet the image of a White Christmas can be vivid in our imaginations. But 72 degrees? What do I do with this reality?

The discomfort and amazement that many of us feel about 72 degree weather on Christmas Day remind us how strong the cultural associations of Christmas are in our spirits. This discomfort and amazement ask us to reconsider what we actually believe about this special day. What do I believe? How can I best observe that day?

55975838Our fundamental belief as Catholic Christians is that God, the Divine Creator, the Ultimate Other became one of us today, became one united with us in a way that lifts us up into union with the Divinity – each of us and all of us. The person of Jesus of Nazareth is rightly the focal point of the holiday and the reality that makes my life and your life worth living, because without him- we discover- we can do nothing.

A recent meme on Facebook urged us not only to keep Christ in Christmas but also to keep Christ in Christians. What a great reminder! The baby born today is born inside each one of us. Our fundamental task in life is to see him there in me, to see him there in you and in all everywhere, and be reverent and joyful to one and all. May this Divine reality and peace be manifest in us all!


Ben-Hawley-214x300Fr. Benjamin Hawley, SJ
Fr. Ben, as Jesuit priest, has served as Pastor and Director of Catholic Campus Ministry since August 2010. As pastor his ministry focus is helping the parish be “the field hospital for the wounded,” per Pope Francis, where people discover Jesus’ liberation and healing. He also leads a communion service each game day for UM players and coaches of the football team. Following his ordination in June 2000 Fr. Ben served as President of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School of Indianapolis until 2006. Prior to becoming Catholic in 1988, Fr. Ben worked for the Agency for International Development, the foreign assistance program of the US Government.
Email[email protected]

The Joy of the Unadulterated Soul

Written by Brendan Dailey on Thursday of the Fourth Week of Advent

brendanI went for a run one day, a little over a month ago, taking advantage of (what I thought would be) rare 60° weather on a mid-November afternoon. During my brief jaunt through my subdivision and nearby park, I for some reason had found myself drawn to four different children that were out and about in the great weather. I love kids, but this was more than that; there was something more tugging at my attention. After reflecting on it a little bit, I realized that there was something they all had in common – whatever it was they were doing outside, it was with a pure, innocent joy.

As I’ve grown older, my own childhood innocence has receded, replaced instead with the temptations and sins that ensnare me. But these children serve as a reminder to me of what it’s like to live with the exuberance, wonderment, and enthusiasm of an unadulterated soul.

Today’s Gospel tells us that Zechariah prophesies of his own son “You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way”. As John grows into this prophet, preparing the way of the Lord, he becomes the voice that cries out in the desert, calling us to follow Jesus. As our journey through Advent comes to a conclusion, I pray that I, and you, might hear John’s cry in the cries of laughter and joy of children, our little companions on this journey of life. May their joy serve as a reminder to us to prepare our hearts for Jesus, and to let ourselves experience Christ’s love with the awe, wonder, and exuberance of a child.

Questions for Reflection:
As I’m preparing for the Christmas season, what am I worried or anxious about, instead of joyfully focusing on celebrating Christ’s birth?
Can I let these things go as a final act of Advent preparation?


brendan 2Brendan Dailey
Brendan is an alumni of the University of Michigan and currently works for the University as an IT professional. He is a member of the Graduate Student and Young Professional lead team, and frequents the 12 pm Mass.
Email: [email protected] 

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