Bulletin for Sunday April 30, 2023
Kris Kolevar looks back on his long experiment at SMSP in this week´s Parish Insight on page 2. Please check our Summer Mass schedule and Parish office hours on page 7. Do you want to celebrate a Baptism? Get information on page 4.
Bulletin for Sunday April 23, 2023
Check out this week’s bulletin for our summer schedule starting April 30 and Stephanie Vuylsteke’s parish insight. All grad and undergrad are also invited to attend our Graduation Mass and reception on Friday April 28.
Boletin Dominical del 23 de Abril del 2023
En el boletin de esta semana, te contamos los sacramentos de primera communion y de confirmacion que apenas pasaron. Tambien te proponemos un retiro de espiritualidad ignaciana.
Bulletin for Sunday April 16, 2023
In this week’s Parish Insight, we feature some testimonies from teen confirmation. Learn about the 2023 Diocesan Service Appeal (DSA) on page 3. We will have a Meet & Greet event with Fr. Kyle on April 22 and 23.
Bulletin for Sunday April 9, 2023
Read the Rita Zieber’s Parish Insight about our newest Catholics! Join us April 22 and 23 for a Meet & Greet with Fr. Kyle (page 3).
Office will open 4 to 10 PM on Monday April 9.
Boletin Dominical del 2 de Abril del 2023
Ya entramos en Semana Santa! Por favor revisen el boletin de esta semana.