Weekly Bulletin for April 26, 2015
We still have Student Study Days in the Parish April 26-28 this upcoming week! Check out the bulletin for summer opportunities at our parish to grow in your faith. Make sure to note the summer schedule for the parish office hours and mass times!
Weekly Bulletin for April 19, 2015
Join us at St. Mary’s Student Parish for the last ig.nite this Thursday evening! We also have many activities for students during the last week of classes and exams including the Last Class Talent Bash and Student Study Days! Our 2015 graduates are invited to a baccalaureate mass and reception to celebrate their graduations on Friday, May 1st at 5:10pm. Pray for our students taking exams and graduating in these upcoming weeks!
Weekly Bulletin for April 12, 2015
Make sure to check out all the student activities that are rapidly approaching as the winter semester at the University of Michigan comes to an end. Last Class Talent Bash on April 21st, Square Dancing on April 17th, and St. Mary Student Parish Study Days April 19th-28th! Our parish is also taking initiative in serving the Ann Arbor community through various hunger projects sponsored by our social justice ministry.
Weeky Bulletin for April 5, 2015
Easter is here! Come to the Mass for Recovery on April 9 at 7:30pm. Check out the Student’s Square Dance on Friday, April 17th and be sure to check the dates and times for our Student Study Days prior to exams!
Weekly Bulletin for March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday is here! The 2014-2015 student interns at St. Mary Student Parish are proud to present an original short documentary exploring how their true selves grow, manifest, and evolve throughout their lives. Inspired by Becoming Who You Are, a novel by James Martin, S.J., the student interns consider what challenges, invigorates, and extracts their true selves in the light of faith. Free Admittance. Short dialogue to follow.
Weekly Bulletin for March 22, 2015
This week’s Lenten theme is now is the time to say yes! We’re still looking for volunteers to help with the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 4th and Crossroads Easter Meal. Also, please mark your calendars for the intern documentary premiere next Tuesday, 3/31 at the Michigan Theater!
Weekly Bulletin for March 15, 2015
This week’s Lenten theme is now is the time to heal. As Easter nears, consider volunteering with our community at the Crossroads Easter Meal in Detroit or here at SMSP for the Easter Vigil. We also have our Moved with Compassion evening Monday, March 16, showcasing our ASB trips. Come mingle with students and discuss their faith journeys at home and abroad in our interactive setting.
Weekly Bulletin for March 8, 2015
This week’s Lenten theme is now is the time to act. “For it is love that I desire, not sacrifice, and knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.” Hosea 6:6
With spring break coming to an end, join us for two great Alternative Spring Break wrap up events. First, an interactive night of shared stories of love and service Monday 3/16. Join students as they share their stories in stations with discussion (not a presentation). And secondly, the ASB students are hosting a free pancake breakfast Sunday 3/22 to thank the parish for their support.
Weekly Bulletin for March 1, 2015
This week’s Lenten theme is now is the time to see. “God invites all of us in this sacred time of preparation to rest in His loving Gaze,” writes Kelly Dunlop in this week’s guest pastoral perspective. A reminder that Spring Break is upon us in Ann Arbor, please see the bulletin for our parish office hours.
Weekly Bulletin for February 22, 2015
This week’s Lenten theme is now is the time to listen. Take time this week to listen for Jesus, and keep in mind he doesn’t always speak to us with words. This week we have the Catholic Volunteer Network visiting us after the 5 PM, 7 PM, and 9 PM Masses. We also have Mark & Amy Rolfes in from South Africa to speak to their experiences serving God through Open Arms home for children Thursday at 7 PM.