Bulletin for September 6, 2015

It’s welcome Sunday at St. Mary Student Parish! Our bulletin is stuffed this week with great undergrad activities for welcome week & beyond. Don’t miss our welcome bbq for undergrads on Labor Day – this year we’ve added a daily mass at 5:10 PM, so you can worship with us and then enjoy the annual bbq.

There are great activities for grad students and young professionals too! Soul Food at Arbor brewing is coming up on September 14.

We are also signing students up to participate as liturgical ministers and catechists. Check the bulletin for all the details!

Bulletin for August 30, 2015

This weekend we are hosting Sr. Priscilla for our annual mission appeal. She is the only obstetrician/gynecologist in the Rwenzori region of western Uganda – she will share her story at all masses on Sunday, August 30th. You can read more about her works in the guest pastoral perspective on page 2 of the bulletin.

Also, September 1 is the World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation. See the cover of the bulletin for a quote from Pope Francis.

Bulletin for August 23

As we prepare for another academic year to begin, we would like to highlight important changes to the academic year mass schedule. The changes reflect our focus to create a dynamic liturgical experience. Please click here to read Fr. Ben’s letter to the parish as inserted into this week’s bulletin.

Bulletin for August 9 and August 16

Don’t miss this week’s bulletin introducing Fr. John Ferone, S.J. on page 2. Joining us from Ohio, Fr. John loves working with students and is also a musician. Please join us in welcoming Fr. John to Ann Arbor and our great parish!

Bulletin for July 26 and August 2

Check out page 2 for our guest pastoral perspective on the Flint Family Service Trip written by John Osterholzer. Additionally, have you noticed our Catholicism 101 column this summer? This week you can read about traditional prayers on page 4. Lastly, mark your calendars for our blood drive on Sunday, August 2nd. You can make an appointment online at redcrossblood.org and enter our sponsor code goblue or simply walk-in after mass on August 2nd.

Bulletin for July 12 and July 19, 2015

Please join us in saying farewell to Fr. Dan at the 10 AM, 12 PM, or 2 PM masses this Sunday July 12th. There will be a reception in Newman Hall following each mass.

Also please note our hours for the week of July 13-18: we will open at 4:00 PM for daily Mass and scheduled evening meetings Monday & Tuesday (July 13 &14). We will be closed during the Ann Arbor Art Fair Wednesday through Saturday (July 15-18). There will be no Masses during this time. We hope you enjoy the Art Fair!

Bulletin for June 28 and July 5, 2015

Mark your calendars: The church and our parish office will be closed July 3rd and 4th in observance of the 4th of July and will close again during Art Fair, July 15-18. There will be no daily mass on these dates.

Bulletin For June 14 and June 21, 2015

Be sure to read this week’s guest pastoral perspective featuring Bill Alt – he has included a great reflection for Father’s Day next weekend ( June 21). Also, mark your calendars for the SMSP film festival kick-off on June 22nd with Crash. Please note, this film is rated R – while it is an excellent movie, we ask parishioners to be prepared for situations and dialogue in accordance with an R rated film.

Bulletin for May 31 and June 7, 2015

Another academic year has come to a close and we realize once again how blessed we are to be able to share the successes of the young men and women at our parish! We hope you will enjoy the excerpts from our student reflections at the 2015 Baccalaureate Mass. Best wishes to our graduates and we hope St. Mary’s will always be your home. Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Bulletin for May 17 and May 24, 2015

Check out our summer programs at St. Mary’s! Our Soul Snack and Youth Group Programs are still available for those students and families that will be in Ann Arbor this summer. We also have a family camp in June! Our bulletins will be published bi-weekly, so be sure to read carefully for our updates.

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