Bulletin for November 8, 2015
Undergrads, join us on the evening of Friday, November 13th for a trip to Skyline Trampoline Park! See page 3 of the bulletin for more details.
On Sunday, November 22 Brother Guy Consolmagno, Director of the Vatican Observatory will be at St. Francis of Assisi Parish. He will be giving a talk called “Astronomy, God, and the Search for Elegance.” This event is free of charge. More details are on page 4 of the bulletin.
Bulletin for November 1, 2015
Don’t forget to visit the Altar of the Dead in our atrium this week until Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead) on November 2nd. Come to remember your loved ones and learn more about the culture behind Dia de los Muertos.
Saturday, December 5th is this year’s Feast Day of Service. Join fellow parishioners in honoring our patron Mary by participating in meaningful prayer and service to our local community. Register online or visit the parish office to fill out a registration form by November 22.
Sign up to feed the homeless in Ann Arbor at Mercy House on Sunday, November 8 at 5:00 PM. See page 4 of the bulletin find out the different ways you can volunteer.
Bulletin for October 25, 2015
Check out page 2 of this week’s bulletin to read a reflection on this Sunday’s readings written by one of our Campus Ministers! Also, download the app JesuitPrayer on your smart phone to read daily scripture, reflections, and prayer. See page 3 for more details.
Undergrads! Don’t forget to join us on Friday, October 30th from 7-10 pm here at St. Mary for the Halloween Bonfire Bash & Costume Party! Additional information is on page 4 of the bulletin.
Bulletin for October 18, 2015
Read a reflection for this Sunday’s readings from one of our campus ministers. Also, make sure to check out the Faith Sharing Fridays blog every Friday for more reflections on the Gospel.
Finally, don’t forget to join us on October 28th at 7pm for a healing and anointing service.
Bulletin for October 11, 2015
There is a lot going on in the upcoming weeks here at St. Mary! Join us on Thursday, October 22nd for a presentation on climate change called “The Climate Consideration & the Common Good”. See page 2 for more details.
We are now holding Eucharistic Adoration every Wednesday from 6-10 PM. Come to the church at any time during this period, and spend time with in adoration of our Lord. See page 4 for more information.
Finally, there’s still time to sign up for the Undergrad Fall Retreat! Consider taking a short break from your busy lives to spend a faith-filled weekend with some of your fellow undergrads. More details are on page 5 of the bulletin.
Bulletin for October 4, 2015
Need a little break from hectic student life to strengthen your connection with God and your faith? Join us the weekend of October 23rd to 25th for our fall retreat! See page 2 to read a testimonial from one of the St. Mary Student Parish Retreats interns, Jeff Thiele. Also, see page 3 for details on signing up.
If you have considered participating in a year of meaningful service, join us on Sunday, October 11th at 8pm to hear from a representative from the Catholic Volunteer Network about finding the perfect program and the impact it can have on your life.
Bulletin for September 27, 2015
Are you an undergrad interested in participating in a week of service and spiritual growth? See page 2 to read testimonials from past Alternative Spring Break participants, and join us this Tuesday or Wednesday evening from 8-9 to learn more about this wonderful opportunity! The application opens Sunday, September 27th!
This month, the weekly bulletins will include “Liturgy 101” to help us gain a better understanding of the Catholic Mass. This week’s lesson, on page 5, discusses the importance of the Introductory Rites.
Bulletin for September 20, 2015
Check out page 2 of this week’s bulletin to read Bill Alt’s guest Pastoral Perspective and his thoughts on Pope Francis’ visit to the United States this week. Also, don’t forget to join us to watch the Pope’s address to Congress on Thursday, September 24 at 9:30 am.
If you are interested in finding new ways to enhance your prayer life, come to Donnelly Hall on Wednesday at 9:30 pm for an evening of meditative prayer. See page 3 of the bulletin for more details.
Bulletin for September 13, 2015
Ever thought about getting more involved in liturgy at St. Mary Student Parish? Check out Campus Ministry Associate Matt Rejniak‘s guest pastoral perspective on page 2. We’re also recruiting for student catechists – see the student section for a reflection from intern Michaila McCloskey.
Bulletin for September 6, 2015
It’s welcome Sunday at St. Mary Student Parish! Our bulletin is stuffed this week with great undergrad activities for welcome week & beyond. Don’t miss our welcome bbq for undergrads on Labor Day – this year we’ve added a daily mass at 5:10 PM, so you can worship with us and then enjoy the annual bbq.
There are great activities for grad students and young professionals too! Soul Food at Arbor brewing is coming up on September 14.
We are also signing students up to participate as liturgical ministers and catechists. Check the bulletin for all the details!