Bulletin for April 17, 2016

Don’t forget, the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner is next Sunday, April 24th from 6 to 7:30 PM! SMSP is blessed with amazing volunteers who make this parish the special community that it is. See page 2 of the bulletin for a list of the ministries and events our volunteers devote their time to!

We’ve almost reached our March Match Madness goal! Help us complete the last stretch by donating on our website (use the online giving website and select March Match Madness from the list) or picking up a donation card.

Bulletin for April 10, 2016

On March 30th, this year’s student interns presented their final project at the Michigan Theater. Pieced Together: The Bigger Picture is an original short film that showcases how a portrait of the body of Christ is composed of our own individual images of joy and suffering. See page 2 of the bulletin for a guest pastoral perspective by Kelly Dunlop, director of the intern program, about this year’s cohort and project. If you missed the premiere or want to watch it again, click here!

Make sure to mark your calendars for the annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on Sunday, April 24th from 6-7:30 PM. The time and talents you share as a volunteer are what makes St. Mary so special, so we hope you will join us! RSVP to Susan Maulbetsch by phone or email.

Bulletin for April 3, 2016

At this year’s Easter Vigil, seven people were baptized and thirty people were confirmed in the Catholic faith here at St. Mary. See page two of the bulletin for the names of these Elect and Candidates, and join us in welcoming them into the Catholic Church with open arms and hearts!

We will be hosting a Healing and Anointing service on Wednesday, April 13th at 7 PM. This is the perfect opportunity for all of those seeking freedom from past hurts and losses.

Bulletin for March 27, 2016

We would like to wish you and your loved ones all a very blessed Easter Sunday! As today begins the 50-day celebration of the Easter Season, Fr. Ben Hawley leads us all in reflection on page 2 of what this season really means.

Join us this Wednesday, March 30th, at the Michigan Theater for the SMSP interns’ final project entitled, “Pieced Together: The Bigger Picture.” This is an original short film that showcases how a portrait of the body of Christ is composed composed of our own individual images of joy and suffer. The event will be from 5-6:30 PM, and doors to the theater will open at 4 PM.

Seniors, join us Saturday, April 16th from 11:00 AM to 4:30 PM for LAUNCH! This gathering is a great way to reflect on your experiences at SMSP and the University of Michigan as college comes to a close. Sign up here!

Bulletin for March 20, 2016

Holy Week has officially begun! On Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper will be at 7:30 PM, followed by Eucharistic Adoration until Midnight. Eucharistic Adoration on Good Friday will be from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, and the Good Friday Service will be at 12:10 PM. The Easter Vigil will be at 8:30 PM on Holy Saturday, and there will be eight masses on Easter Sunday. See page 5 of the bulletin for mass times and additional Holy Week events.

Bulletin for March 13, 2016

This fifth week of Lent is the perfect time for each of us to recommit ourselves to our Lenten promises. Read this week’s Lenten Reflection on page 2 of the bulletin and find motivation for this recommitment.

It’s time for March Match Madness here at SMSP! Up to $45,000 raised by our parish will be matched by donors, so help us reach our total goal of $90,000! Pick up a donation card or donate on our website.

Bulletin for March 6, 2016

Welcome back students, staff, and faculty! We hope you had an enjoyable spring break and look forward to the remainder of the semester. We are excited to welcome back our students from Alternative Spring Break, serving at 13 sites here in the US and Latin America. Students will host an ASB thank you dinner Friday, March 18 at 6 PM before Silhouette Stations of the Cross.

Bulletin for February 28, 2016

We may already be two and a half weeks into Lent, but it is not too late to follow the St. Mary Lenten blog! Throughout all of Lent we will feature daily reflections from students, resident parishioners, and parish staff on our website, which we hope will inspire our readers to experience God more deeply this Lenten season. See page 2 of the bulletin to learn how to follow the blog.

Mark your calendars for Friday, March 18th from 7:30-9:00 PM, and join us for “Silhouette Stations of the Cross.” This is an evening of reflection, prayer, and performance, through which the story will come to life as shadows of Jesus’ journey are cast upon a screen. A reception will follow this event.

Bulletin for February 21, 2016

Read this week’s Lenten Reflection on page 2 of the bulletin. The reflection reminds us that suffering is not a punishment or a test; it will find us no matter what, and how we respond to it is what is really important.

All students are encouraged to join us on Tuesday, February  23rd at 7 PM for a Prayer and Reconciliation Service. This event is for students only, beginning with a prayer service at 7PM followed by time for private, individual confessions. Come allow God to free your heart and your mind!

Bulletin for February 14, 2016

St. Mary is hosting an overnight shelter for men experiencing homelessness beginning tomorrow, Monday, February 14th and continuing through the morning of Monday, February 22nd. Click here to sign up to serve on the hospitality team and/or the overnight staff. If you have any questions or would like to donate snacks to the shelter, contact Bill Alt.

Join us Saturday, February 20th at 6:00 PM for “Behind the Stories of Immigration,” as young adult immigrants share their stories of leaving and finding home. See page 3 of the bulletin for more details.

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