Busy Student Retreat is Back!

Are you looking for a way to deepen your faith? Do you want to go on a retreat but feel too busy to commit to a weekend away? Not sure what to ‘do’ for Lent this year? If so, the Busy Student Retreat is for you!

Spend time with God in the midst of your regular hectic schedule. Bring the joys and concerns of your daily life into conversation with Jesus. Invite the Holy Spirit into your decision making.

WHO The retreat is open to undergrads and members of the graduate student & young professional group

WHAT Retreatants commit to 15 minutes of daily individual prayer and 30 minutes meeting weekly with a spiritual companion (a Campus Minister, priest, or a parishioner who will lend a listening ear and talk with you about your prayer and faith life)

WHEN February 15 – April 7 (The retreat takes place in your daily life during the Lenten Season)

COST $10.00 (financial assistance available if needed)

Registration is open through Sunday, February 8th.

If you have any questions and/or require financial assistance please contact Abby Braun.

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