Show Me Love

written by Fr. Eric Sundrup, SJ on Ash Wednesday


Have you seen the Coca Cola commercial #MakeItHappy? If not take a quick look.  That odd synthesized chorus in the background is “Show Me Love” by Hundred Waters.

It’s an interesting lens to use today as everyone starts putting up #AshTag selfies. We are capable of great cruelty and ugliness. We are also capable of great love and forgiveness. What are you going to spread this Lent?

Today’s readings warn us about the dangers of forgetting why we fast.

Take care not to perform righteous deeds
in order that people may see them…

When you fast,
do not look gloomy like the hypocrites…

To paraphrase Jesus a little: If you fast or do righteous deeds… Show me love. Don’t lose track of the love that is at the base of your Lenten preparation, the reason for your fasting.

When we mark ourselves with ashes today, we remind ourselves that we are sinners and we are in need of redemption. Try not to give into pride. We don’t mark ourselves to be praised and exulted. We mark ourselves because we know we need help. We need preparation. We need to change. We need to be converted. We mark ourselves because we are sinners, sinners who have hope.

The first lines of the song on the Coca Cola commercial say:

 Don’t let me show cruelty
Though I may make mistakes
Don’t let me show ugliness
Though I know I can hate

Today we acknowledge the reality of our cruelty and our ugliness. We acknowledge our need to prepare. We will make mistakes. We know we can hate. But that doesn’t need to be the end of the story. Let us pray that the ashes on our foreheads remind us of our need to be converted. Let us pray that our fasting lead us to conversion. Now is the time to prepare. We prepare ourselves so that we might show love more fully every day.

Show me love
Show me love
Show me love

Questions for Reflection:
In what areas of your life are you most in need of help, change, or redemption?  Talk to God about these things and ask God for help.
How might you show love this Lent?


Eric-Sundrup1-214x300Fr. Eric Sundrup, SJ
Fr. Eric was ordained in June 2014 and joined the SMSP Campus Ministry staff in August. A native of Cincinnati, OH, Fr. Eric relocated to Ann Arbor after completing his degree at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, CA. Fr. Eric spent part of his Jesuit training living and working in Bolivia and Peru and is excited to be working with our vibrant Hispanic ministry.


Now is the Time

Welcome!  The time is here – the St. Mary Student Parish blog is back for the season of Lent with daily reflections from a wide variety of voices including students, SMSP staff, UM faculty, young professionals and resident parishioners.

As we journey with Jesus and one another through the desert this Lent, let our hearts be open so that we may be ready to receive the joy and new life that Jesus promises to each one of us through his Easter resurrection.

Come back tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, to hear from Fr. Eric Sundrup, SJ or sign up to receive our blog updates via email on the menu to the right.  Until then, check out this video from Busted Halo to learn all about Ash Wednesday and Lent in 2 minutes.


Weekly Bulletin for February 15, 2015

Ash Wednesday is upon us! Check our bulletin for Mass times, which range from 12:10 PM to 9:00 PM. This week’s bulletin also featured a Lenten flyer highlighting our programs and opportunities for worship. New to SMSP this year, we will host a Lenten blog right here on the NEWS page!

Flint Family Service Trip

Sunday, July 12 – Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A group of families from St. Mary Student Parish will travel to St. John Vianney Parish in Flint, Michigan to work on a variety of community projects appropriate for folks of all ages. Learn, work, pray, reflect and relax with other families from our parish community.

Work sites may include St. Luke’s NEW Life Center, North End Soup kitchen, Boys and Girls Club, Shelter of Flint, Carriage Town Mission and Habitat for Humanity. Children as young as 5 have participated in the past. Please consider joining us for a fun week of making a difference!

Application materials can be picked up in the St. Mary office. Application Deadline is March 16th, 2015.

For more information, contact Lisa Hirsch or Tom McDonough 734.741.1235

Weekly Bulletin for February 8, 2015

Our annual ASB bucket drive fundraiser is back this weekend after all masses! Be sure to read the guest pastoral perspective by Julia Kehoe on page 2. We’re also still seeking volunteers for our rotating overnight shelter for the week of 2/16-2/23. And lastly, we’re recruiting for 2015-2016 student interns! We have 2 information sessions this week: Sunday at 8:00 PM or Thursday at 7:00 PM.

The Rotating Overnight Shelter is Back!


If you are looking for a chance to volunteer your time, consider signing up for a shift with the Rotating Shelter February 16 – February 23. Sign up to join the hospitality team at the beginning of the night, or for an overnight shift.

Rotating Shelter Sign Up

We are also accepting food and snack donations! Please contact Lisa Hirsch or Rachel Conner.

Volunteer for a Year of Service in South Africa!


WHAT Open Arms provides housing, education, and love for 57 children in the poorest province of South Africa.

WHO We need you! Open Arms is now recruiting Michigan students for a full-year commitment starting July 2015 to teach in the home school, organize children’s activities, and assist the directors with management.

WHEN Join us for an info session Thursday, Feb 26th at 7 PM in Donnelly Hall as part of the Gabriel Richard Lecture Series.

APPLY NOW Email Open Arms or visit our Long Term Service page for more info. The deadline to apply is Monday, Feb 23. Interviews for July 2015 positions will be scheduled the week of Feb 23 in Ann Arbor.

Weekly Bulletin for February 1, 2015

We’re looking for liturgical ministers! If you’ve ever thought about getting more involved with Mass at SMSP, we have a ministry for you… from readers to greeters and even musicians! We’re also wrapping up our registration for SCCs and the Busy Student Retreat.

Blood Drive – Feb 1st


Put the power of faith into action and help save a life!

SMSP will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive this Sunday, February 1st from 9:00 AM – 2:45 PM in Newman Hall. The need for blood is especially critical because of decreased donations due to the cold and inclement weather.

Walk-ins are welcome, or go online today to and enter our sponsor code goblue to schedule your appointment today!

Join an SCC and Meet New People!


Last year, as a freshman, the University of Michigan quickly became by far the largest stage I had ever been on and the fact that I didn’t know a lot of people made it a little scary. I was excited to get to know people at school and quickly learned that the best way to do so was to get involved in groups of people with similar interests. Once I found St. Mary’s I began searching for specific ways to grow in my faith while continuing to make friendships and get to know my peers. Quickly it became apparent that I needed to join an SCC. I joined the Undergraduate Men’s SCC and got to know some really great guys. Aside from getting a head start on the weekly readings each Wednesday night, we were able to talk openly about our faith lives. Every week it was a time that I could go and know that I was in a safe place with people who respected how I felt and accepted everything I was saying. I have had a great experience with SCC’s and know it will continue in the future.

Jon Perry is a sophomore in the College of Literature, Sciences and the Arts at the University of Michigan.

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