Bulletin for August 11, 2019

Look inside for details on the final installment of our summer film series, Grad/YP Mass and our Summer Social and welcome BBQ, registration for Family Faith Formation and Teen Confirmation and DSA update

Diocesan Services Appeal Update

We’re almost there! We have reached more than 85% of our DSA goal of $88,896.  Some of you mentioned you still need to send in your contribution. Please do so and thank to those who have. If we reach our goal, about one third will come back to us to support our Latino Ministry and Campus Ministry efforts.  Let’s reach our goal. Thank you for your generosity.

Thank you for your gifts to the Diocesan Services Appeal!

If you have not yet made a gift or a pledge, I invite you to do so today.  Gift envelopes are available at both  church entrances or the parish office.  Or you may submit your gift online at www.dioceseoflansing.org/dsa.


Graduate Students/Young Professionals

Welcome Mass & BBQ – Sun, Aug 25  from 5:00—8:00 PM.  Mass at 5:10pm with Fr. Joe presiding followed by a delicious BBQ in our courtyard (or Newman Hall in case of rain).

Other upcoming events:

Monthly Mass & Summer Social on Mon, Aug 12  from 7:00-9:00 PM  

Monthly Mass & Dinner on Mon, Sept 9 from 7:00-9:00 PM

Spiritual Directions on Mon, Sept 23 from 7:00-9:00 PM

For more information or to be added to our email list, contact the Grad/YP Lead Team at [email protected] or Fr. Joe at [email protected]


Bulletin for July 28, 2019

See inside for details on Family Faith Formation and Teen Confirmation, Grad/YP Mass and Summer Social and other events at SMSP.

Catholic Day of Action for Immigrant Children Roundup

A few hundred Catholic activists, including dozens of women religious, gathered outside at the foot of the U.S. Capitol July 18 urging politicians to stop its “inhumane treatment” of immigrant children at the border and reminding people of faith to take a stronger stand against current U.S. border policies.

Approximately 70 people were arrested for civil disobedience at the U.S. Capitol. There was significant media coverage of the day. Here is a  fraction of the coverage that featured many of those involved:

William Critchley-Menor, S.J. being interviewed before the arrest and arrested (Jesuits / ISN)

Bulletin for July 14, 2019

This week the office and church will be closed for Art Fair Wednesday thru Saturday.  We will be open for our regular mass schedule on Sunday. See inside for info on how to sign up.

Bulletin for June 30, 2019

We are looking for volunteers to work St. Mary’s booth at the Art Fair and to help with parking. Look inside for Family Faith Formation and Teen Confirmation registration and our summer Bible Study featuring Bishop Robert Barron.

Bulletin for June 16, 2019

Please see the bulletin or our web page for more information and sign up links on the following: SMSP Summer Film Series, the Ann Arbor Art Fair, our annual Mission Appeal for the Foundation for Children in Need, our DSA goal and a free health care on Sunday, June 23rd.

Bulletin for June 2, 2019

Grad/YP monthly Mass and dinner Monday, June 3 at 7:00pm with a special welcome to all recent grads who are still in the area. The Ann Arbor Art Fair is quickly approaching and we are looking for many volunteers to help with our booth Thursday through Sunday and parking on Sunday. Please see this bulletin for more information and sign up links. Registration has begun for SMSP parish members for our FFF Programs: Pre-K through 7 th Grade and Teen Confirmation. Please register soon as space is limited. The Registration Deadline is Sept 1, 2019.

Announce at

Bulletin for May 5, 2019

As we start our summer schedule, we’ll be posting a 2-week bulletin until the Fall. If you are interested in helping with the needs of our immigrant community members attend our Volunteer Training event on this Tuesday, May 7th. Young Professionals and Graduates are invited to join us to worship, connect, enjoy a delicious dinner and spend social time together Monday, May 13 beginning at 7:00 pm. A special welcome to graduating seniors who will remain in the area! Thank you to all who have donated to Diocesan Services Appeal. Currently at 20%, we are still working to meet our parish goal for this year. We need everyone’s help to reach our goal.

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