Campus Connection – Spring 2018
The Spring 2018 edition of the Campus Connection is here! Click to read our cover story, an ASB reflection based on a prayer attributed to Mother Teresa. We also catch up with alumna Monica Sender, meet our newest Jesuit Fr. Pat, and share ways our community makes prayer a priority – with lots of great ideas for our readers, too!
Jesuit Leadership Update
As previously announced this spring, Rev. Benjamin B. Hawley, S.J.’s tenure as pastor and director of Catholic campus ministry at St. Mary Student parish will end on July 31, 2018.
St. Mary Student Parish will host two farewell receptions to honor Rev. Hawley, S.J. on May 20, 2018 following the 8:30 AM mass and 12:00 PM mass in Newman Hall. Those who wish to write a personal note of gratitude, share a memory, or wish him well, are invited to pick up a blank memory book page from the parish atrium. We ask completed pages be returned to the box in the atrium or the parish office by Sunday, May 6th.
On behalf of the Jesuits USA Midwest Province, we are excited to share that Rev. James G. Gartland, S.J. has been appointed as the parish administrator at St. Mary Student Parish for the 2018-2019 academic year.
Rev. Gartland, S.J., pictured left, was the rector of the Saint Peter Faber Jesuit Community at Boston College from 2012 to 2018. He was part of the founding team of Chicago’s Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in 1996 and served as its president from 2004 to 2012.
Previously he served as pastor of St. Procopius, a Mexican immigrant parish in Chicago, from 1994 to 1999. After teaching theology at Loyola Academy in Wilmette, Ill., for three years, he entered the Society of Jesus in 1983. He taught in Peru from 1987 to 1990 and was ordained a priest in 1993.
He earned a bachelor’s degree from Xavier University, master’s degrees in philosophy and religious education from Loyola University Chicago, and a master of divinity from the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.
Rev. Gartland, S.J. will begin as parish administrator on October 1st and will serve in this role through the 2018-2019 academic year.
Fr. Joseph Wagner, S.J. has been appointed interim parish administrator, beginning August 1st and extending through September 30th. A formal pastoral appointment by the Jesuits USA Midwest Province will be made in the late spring of 2019.
For more on the Jesuits USA Midwest Province, visit jesuitsmidwest.org.
2018 Graduation Mass & Reception
St. Mary Student Parish will celebrate a Graduation Mass honoring 2018 University of Michigan graduates.
Graduates and their families are invited to join us Friday, April 27, 2018 for Mass at 5:10pm followed by light refreshments in Donnelly Hall.
Graduates are asked to wear their cap and gown and arrive by 4:45 PM to line up. Mass will conclude with a class photo.
Visit stmarystudentparish.org/graduation to RSVP.
2018 Diocesan Services Appeal
“Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord” is the theme of our 2018 Diocesan Services Appeal. It reminds us that each of us is called to discipleship. Supporting the DSA is one way to share our blessings and the Good News with the world.
The programs, ministries and services funded by our contributions offer not only direct assistance to individuals and families, but also to parishes, and schools, and Catholic Charities agencies as they carry out their missions to bring the love of Christ to the world.
Our parish goal of $80,814 can be reached if each of us shares a portion of the bountiful gifts God has bestowed upon us.
2018 DSA Prayer
Loving and gracious God, we praise you and we thank you for the bountiful gifts that you have bestowed upon us.
Instill in us the courage to “Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord.”
Help us to understand that we are called to discipleship, to grow actively in faith and to go and share the good news with the world.
Please bless our unified efforts and help us to bring Christ’s love to all we encounter.
Give us the grace to be generous in our support of the Diocesan Services Appeal, so that we may faithfully participate as missionary disciples in the work of Your Holy Church.
What is the purpose of the Diocesan Services Appeal (DSA)?
The DSA is an annual appeal, meaning gifts are used to sustain the ongoing, day-to-day work of the Church in our Diocese. The programs and services funded by the DSA offer direct assistance to individuals and families and to our parishes and schools.
We just gave to the Witness to Hope Campaign. Why is it important to contribute to DSA?
Thank you for contributing to our first-ever diocese-wide capital campaign, Witness to Hope. It was a momentous effort to invest in the future of our Church. Approximately 50% of the funds raised will be returned to parishes for their selected projects. In addition, six endowments have been established at The Catholic Foundation to support vital designated purposes of the wider Church long into the future. However, contributions to DSA are used for a different purpose.
What is the difference in the use of DSA gifts and Witness to Hope gifts?
Consider this analogy. An individual invests in the future by buying or building a home. He or she then needs to provide for the operation and maintenance of that home. Witness to Hope gifts are a long term investment in the future of the church. DSA gifts support ongoing efforts at our parishes, schools, and across the diocese. Both types of gifts are necessary and responsible uses of the financial gifts with which God has graced us as the stewards of His Holy Catholic Church.
Why has the DSA returned so soon?
The DSA appeal was last conducted during the Lenten season in 2016, over 2 years ago, and funded important operations and ministries through the 2016-2017 fiscal year. A small share of Witness to Hope contributions were designated to sustain these operations and ministries for one year only, fiscal year 2017-2018. All other Witness to Hope contributions have other designated purposes and cannot be used to fund the ongoing costs of these operations and ministries. This DSA is necessary to support this mission through the 2018-2019 fiscal year.
All gifts, of any size, will help your parish reach its goal and will provide valuable support for ministries that benefit your parish and the mission of the Catholic Church throughout the diocese.
Crossroads Easter Meal
Crossroads Easter Meal
Easter Baskets and Donations Needed!
On Easter Sunday, April 1st, the St. Mary’s community will prepare and serve dinner at Crossroads Soup Kitchen in downtown Detroit. <crossroadsofmichigan.org> This event is a great way to share in and celebrate the love of the Easter season with 1,000 Detroit community members and other St. Mary parishioners!
There are 3 ways to get involved:
Volunteer at Crossroads on Easter Sunday:
1st Shift: 8:00am-12:00pm (Meal Prep)
2nd Shift: 11:15am-3:45pm (Meal Serving)
If you would like to volunteer or have any question, please e-mail Kathie CrossroadsEaster@umich.
We need Easter basket components and lots of candy!Many children are guests at our Easter meal. Help us give each of them an Easter basket as a special gift from St. Mary! Please donate filled Easter baskets or basket making components (baskets, Easter grass-preferably paper, crayons, chocolate bunnies, ‘good for you’ snacks, toiletries, etc.).
In addition to Easter baskets, each meal comes with a small bag of Easter candy. We would greatly appreciate candy donations—mini/fun size wrapped candies are best. Unwrapped candy cannot be used. Please take your Easter basket and candy donations to the parish office by Monday, March 27th.
Make a donation.
Your financial support of this communal meal with our brothers and sisters in Detroit is what makes it happen. Please make checks payable to: St. Mary Student Parish and write “Crossroads Easter Meal” on the memo line. You can also donate on the St. Mary’s website. Thank you, as always, for your tremendous generosity.
Contact: Kathie Wolney <[email protected]>
March Match Madness Returns!
Team up with St. Mary to support Catholic campus ministry!
Our goal is to raise $100,000 in just 31 days and we need your help. Thanks to generous donors, your gift will be matched dollar for dollar. Your gift – doubled!
We are thrilled that the number of participants in our vibrant campus ministry programs continues to grow. Together we can reach our goal and serve the next generation of Catholic leaders.
You may give online at www.stmarystudentparish.org/
Donation cards may be returned with your Sunday offering or in the parish office.
You can even use your phone to make a gift. Use Venmo to make your March Match donation to @SMSPumich.
Thank you for being a part of our caring Catholic community!
Campus Connection – Fall 2017
The Fall 2017 edition of the Campus Connection is here! Click to read our cover story, detailing time spent on the University of Michigan Diag collecting letters in support of the Dream Act. We introduce our new stewardship director, Danielle Kopin. Also, read about welcome week, the refurbishment of our stained glass windows, and catch up with graduate student and young professionals!
Bulletin for Sunday, October 15, 2017
We will be closed at 9pm for Fall Break on Sunday and Monday, Oct 15 & 16. We will resume normal hours for students until midnight on Tuesday, Oct. 17. The Big Read is back! See page 4 for details. Pick up the book in the front office.
Parents & Family Weekend
All undergrads and their families are invited to celebrate mass with St. Mary during the University of Michigan’s parents and family weekend. Mass begins at 10 AM on Saturday, November 4 and will be followed by a delicious brunch in Newman Hall. Please RSVP by emailing Danielle [email protected].
Bulletin for Sunday October 8, 2017
Read page 2 for a reflection from Henry Burns, intern for retreats, on attending the undergrad fall retreat. There are many great service opportunities in the community: Crop Walk, Alpha House, and the Delonis Center. We are also kicking off a week of prayer & action for migrants and refugees – see page 6 for a full schedule of events.