Bulletin for October 7, 2018
Undergrads – sign-up now for the fall retreat, October 26-28. See page two for a reflection on retreats from senior Henry Burns. Also this month, we’re looking for volunteers to help with our semi-annual week at Alpha House. As our bulletin cover shows, we are kicking off a year of prayer with the greater Diocese of Lansing.
Bulletin for September 9, 2018
Moving into September, there is a lot going on around the parish! Undergrads – see page 2 for a reflection on Family Faith – and consider signing up to be a catechist at our parish. Thank you to all those who helped us with our welcome events. And don’t forget to sign up for the Diocesan Assembly on 9/22!
Welcome Video
New to campus? Looking for a new way to get involved? Want to deepen your relationship with God? Check out our welcome video – created for students, by students – which beautifully captures a typical week here at St. Mary.
Provincial Statement on Pennsylvania Grand Jury Findings and Crisis in Episcopal Leadership
August 21, 2018
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we reckon with the Grand Jury report on sexual abuse by priests in Pennsylvania and the failures of bishops to protect the children entrusted to their care, our hearts and prayers-first and foremost-are with the victim-survivors.
Our hearts are also heavy with shock, outrage, sorrow, and shame in the wake of these revelations and the allegations of sexual abuse and harassment by Archbishop Theodore McCarrick, who recently resigned from the College of Cardinals. The collective sins of the institutional church and her servants-including Jesuits-cast a heavy shadow on the People of God and our world today. As Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), recently stated: “We are faced with a spiritual crisis that requires not only spiritual conversion, but practical changes to avoid repeating the sins and failures of the past that are so evident in the recent report.”
As I think about how this scandal affects our church, the living body of Christ in our world, I am especially mindful that many faith-filled young people in their teens, 20s and 30s were too young to have fully comprehended the horror of the revelations in Boston in 2002 regarding clergy sexual abuse. As one young Jesuit put it, “this Pennsylvania attorney general report is our generation’s ‘9/11’ for the church; this is our Boston 2002 moment of reckoning with clergy sex abuse in the church.” We who are in leadership need to offer these young people hope that the church grasps the gravity of this moment, will remain committed to helping victim-survivors heal, and will ensure the safety and well-being of this in our care by holding church leaders accountable.
To these ends, I urge that church authorities accept the specific plan outlined by Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, as summarized by Archbishop Gregory Michael Aymond, stating that we as a church MUST:
* Undertake a full and complete investigation of questions surrounding Archbishop McCarrick so that this can never happen again.
* Pledge to find a way in which abuse and misconduct of bishops can be reported swiftly, and effectively.
* Assemble a lay commission for the U.S. church to oversee the church’s commitment to greater accountability for bishops. There are laity with expertise in the areas of investigation, law enforcement and psychology who should be an essential part of this plan for independent review.
* Request our Holy Father to authorize an Apostolic Visitation to look closely at all that has taken place and be critical in helping church leadership become more responsible in the future, thus preventing irresponsibility on the part of the bishops.
I would add that what Cardinal DiNardo outlines in terms of accountability for bishops should also be expected of major superiors of religious orders such as myself.
As Provincial of the Midwest Jesuits, I want to reassure you that we have no tolerance for sexual abuse by our members. Jesuit leadership is subject to the same policies as the rest of the membership.
Our policies and procedures promoting safe environment for minors and vulnerable adults are in compliance with the standards established by the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, and are routinely examined for compliance by independent auditors from Praesidium, Inc. When an allegation is received by the Province involving a current minor, or from an adult who was a minor when the abuse occurred, the Province notifies civil authorities in the jurisdiction where the alleged abuse took place. Upon receipt of the allegation, the accused Jesuit is suspended from ministry pending the outcome of the investigation. The Province works with an independent firm to conduct a thorough investigation of the allegation and cooperates with civil authorities.
All reports pertaining to the allegation and resulting investigation are presented to the Province Review Board. The board is comprised of highly competent, unbiased lay people with expertise in professional boundaries in the helping professions, along with two Jesuits. The purpose of the review board is to provide consultation to the Provincial on the Province’s response to all reports and allegations of sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult, even if the abuse happened many years ago. After reviewing all information related to the allegation and the completed investigation, the review board makes a recommendation to the Provincial as to whether the allegation against the accused Jesuit has been established, along with a recommendation on the disposition of the accused Jesuit.
No Jesuit who has an established allegation of sexually abusing a minor or vulnerable adult is allowed to remain in public ministry. An established allegation of the sexual abuse of a minor leads to permanent removal from ministry, and, if possible, criminal legal action.
We are acutely aware that serious abuse can also occur with non-minors which also requires a vigilant response. Reports of misconduct with an adult are investigated in the same manner as those involving minors. Adults who believe they have been the victim of a crime are encouraged to contact local law enforcement. In all cases, individuals who come forward with complaints about the behavior of a Jesuit are dealt with compassionately, and every effort is made to foster healing.
At the front end, we take great care with the screening of applicants to the Jesuits, including thorough background checks and psychological evaluations. We work hard to ensure that our long formation program of 10+ years fosters healthy human development both in terms of the spiritual life of the Jesuit as well as his psycho-sexual health and well-being. Our entire membership receives regular safe-environment training towards ethical conduct in ministry, which includes professional boundary awareness.
If you or anyone you know has felt victimized by a Jesuit at any time, please contact Ms. Marjorie O’Dea, the head of our safe environment office and victim’s advocate, at 773-975-6363 or [email protected]
In conclusion, let us continue to pray for healing graces for all victims of abuse in our church, for atonement by all of us collectively for these egregious sins-for “what we have done, and what we have failed to do”-and for light to guide us forward as a church, the body of Christ in our world.
Rev. Brian G. Paulson, SJ
Provincial, USA Midwest Province Jesuits
From the Bishop
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Bishop Earl Boyea, Diocese of Lansing
Bulletin for July 22 & July 29, 2018
See page 2 as we say farewell to Paige Graham, Music Coordinator, and welcome Kristin Berger. Fr. Ben only has 4 Sunday masses remaining here at SMSP – see page 2 for his schedule for the next two Sundays.
Made for Happiness
Saturday, September 22, 2018
You are invited to join thousands of Catholics from across our Diocese at St. Mary Cathedral in Lansing and the Breslin Center in East Lansing as we gather in prayer, witness and worship to celebrate the reason God made us – for happiness with Him in this life and the next!
This event is FREE! Click here to register today!
Learn more by visiting https://madeforhappiness.org
Drivers Needed
Our SMSP Immigration Support Team is in need of volunteers with a valid driver’s license to assist undocumented families to and from ICE appointments, doctors appointments, and/or other obligations.
Drivers would be added to an email group, to be contacted only when an individual or family is in need of a ride. If you are interested or want to learn more, please contact Amy Ketner.
Baby Supply Drive
Liberty Pediatrics and Washtenaw Interfaith Coalition for Immigrants Rights (WICIR) are working together to collect baby items for mothers and families with new babies who have been impacted by deportation and immigration detention.
Please bring items to Liberty Pediatrics on Sunday, June 3rd between 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM, or on Tuesday, June 12th between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM — volunteers will be there to collect your items and hand out some delicious popsicles and stickers!!! They welcome and encourage gently used items including:
Newborn to 3 months
3 to 6 months
6 mo to 1 year
1 – 2 year
Crib mattress
Glider chair
Baby monitor
Washable crib mattress pads
Crib sheets
Washable blankets
Changing table or table top dressing mat
Diaper pail and liners
Diaper bag
Diaper rash cream
Unscented baby wipes
Soft washclothes
Newborn diapers 0-10 lb
Diapers 10-20 lb
Diapers 20-30 lb
Diaper covers
Baby bath tub
Baby soap
Baby shampoo
Hooded baby towels
Baby hair brush
Soft wash cloths
Bottles and nipples
Pump and milk storage bags (does she want this?)
Bottle brush
Baby bowls & utensils
High chair
Baby carrier
Bouncy chair
Baby nail clippers
Baby swing
Baby stroller
Car seat
Infant stroller
Umbrella stroller
Axillary thermometer
As they receive items they will mark them off on this list: https://goo.gl/ujdhj6 – so you can check there to see what has been received and what they still need. They are trying to collect at least one of each of the most necessary items for a family expecting a baby in July, and additional items will be stored for families with future needs.
Bulletin for May 27 and June 3, 2018
See page 2 for a final reflection from CMA Jake Derry. Our parish office will be closed and there will be NO Mass Monday, 5/28 in observance of Memorial Day. See page 5 for a thank you from our LGBT Outreach ministry.