Watch Mass for Sunday, April 19, 2020

Mass will be streamed live at 9:00 AM on Sunday, April 19, 2020. You may watch the recording of the mass anytime after the live-stream has ended. Click here to view/download the music for today’s mass.

Click here to read this week’s email newsletter. If you did not receive this email newsletter to your inbox and would like to, there is a sign up link at the bottom.

Reflection for Saturday, April 18, 2020

MK 16:9-15

When Jesus had risen, early on the first day of the week,
he appeared first to Mary Magdalene,
out of whom he had driven seven demons.
She went and told his companions who were mourning and weeping.
When they heard that he was alive
and had been seen by her, they did not believe.

After this he appeared in another form
to two of them walking along on their way to the country.
They returned and told the others;
but they did not believe them either.

But later, as the Eleven were at table, he appeared to them
and rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart
because they had not believed those who saw him after he had been raised.
He said to them, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.”

Counting our gains in this time of loss

by Rita Zyber

“What’s a guy gotta do to get people to believe?” I can almost hear Jesus asking this question as I look at the Gospel readings from the past few days. Coming straight from the tomb that couldn’t hold him, Jesus appears several times to console his grieving friends. Finally, he goes so far as to walk through locked doors and let people poke him in the side.

With great patience and love, Jesus wants to assure them (and us) that he has fulfilled all of God’s promises for our salvation. I picture him saying, “I did my part, out of great love for you. Now be filled with my Spirit, so that you can go out and spill it around the world.”

Perhaps he doesn’t look quite the same in this new and glorious form. Perhaps it’s extreme fear that causes his friends to doubt. In today’s Gospel, Mark calls it “hardness of heart” that blocks their belief.

Lately, I think I’ve had a little hardness of the heart, too. Fear, anger, grief, and a lack of purpose can keep me from remembering that we are truly an “Easter people.” Sometimes I wake up in the morning and have to force myself to feel grateful for another isolated day.

But when I do make an effort – when I pay attention to where God is throughout my day – it’s easier to see that the Resurrection is always with us, and in us.

I see the Spirit in my husband, as he plays Banana Grams with me to cheer me up, even though he hates that game. I hear accounts from how hard it is in “the field.” My friend is a grocery worker, and my niece is a nursing assistant. Last week she witnessed the deaths of four patients in one day. She had to hold up an iPad for one of these patients so a relative could say goodbye. They are doing their jobs with love, and with a clear trust in the Resurrection.

This Easter has indeed been tough, but so meaningful. It was heartbreaking last Saturday to watch the Easter Vigil on my computer, without the joy of welcoming our newest members into the Church. These 12 wonderful people have prepared all year through RCIA, and they are patiently waiting – “in joyful hope.” They already know that they are an Easter people.

This week, I want to think about what I’ve gained during this time of loss. There’s a lot to notice, including cleaner air, more time to read and pray, more time with my husband, greater appreciation for essential workers. But I want to focus on this – the Resurrection is truly present with us now. Our God goes to great lengths to reach us because God wants us to believe. Our God, who conquers even death, will conquer the fear and the sadness, and even the hardness of our hearts.

Boletín Semanal para el viernes 17 de abril de 2020

Nuestro boletín semanal comienza con una carta de Pascua del P. Jim:

Feliz Pascua para todos. Que podamos ver a Cristo resucitado en los muchos pequeños actos de amor y bondad que experimentamos cada día. Rezo por ustedes y sus familias. Que Dios los abrace y los mantenga a salvo y saludables.

Continuaremos transmitiendo en vivo las misas dominicales. Muchos de ustedes nos han enviado palabras de aliento y aprecio. ¡Gracias! Es sorprendente ver cuántas personas, en todo el país y en varios países de habla hispana, estamos rezamos juntas en estas misas.

En esta crisis, ustedes siguen amando y siendo generosos. Estamos muy contentos de haber alcanzado nuestra meta de marzo de $ 100,000. Como saben, estos fondos van a nuestros programas de ministerio del campus. Gracias por su amor y generosidad.

Gracias por participar también en el estudio de planificación del Grupo Steier. Como saben, hicimos un contrato con el Grupo Steier antes de esta terrible pandemia. Es difícil pensar en el futuro cuando el presente es tan desafiante. Los datos que estamos recopilando nos servirán en el futuro cuando la vida se convierta en una nueva normalidad. La tasa de participación en este estudio ha sido increíble a pesar de las circunstancias. Esta es la última semana para participar en la encuesta. La próxima semana recibiremos un resumen de los hallazgos encontrados. Gracias por ser tan apasionado con la misión de St. Mary Student Parish, y si no han respondido la encuesta, pueden dar clic aquí para obtener más información y contestarla hoy.

P. Jim

A continuación, podrán leer nuestras actualizaciones semanales. Vayan hasta el final del texto para leer acerca de una oportunidad de apoyo para las personas sin hogar aquí en Ann Arbor.


Continuaremos transmitiendo misa en vivo los domingos. La misa en inglés será a las 9 a.m. y se transmitirá en vivo en nuestro sitio web, seguida de la misa en español a las 10:10 a.m. Las grabaciones estarán disponibles inmediatamente después de las misas en el mismo lugar:

La Comunidad Jesuita ofrecerá intenciones masivas programadas, pero no necesariamente en la fecha programada.


Por todos aquellos que están enfermos y sufriendo, especialmente Jane Monahan y Annie y Justin Siciliano. Que reciban esperanza de sanación y amor, roguemos al Señor.

Para que Dios dé eterno descanso a todos los que ha llamado de esta vida, especialmente a Mark Kolevar, Thomas Van Meter, Marcos Cristóbal Barba Andrade, Redención Montalbo-Hernández, Ron Karczewski, José Sebastián González Cervantes,  Joy Ross,Bernard H. Bichakjian, roguemos al Señor.

Si desea agregar un nombre a cualquiera de estas intercesiones especiales, envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected].


Gracias por su apoyo generoso a nuestro trabajo en St. Mary Student Parish. Podemos realizar el trabajo de ministerio gracias a su generosidad. Mientras tratamos de satisfacer las necesidades de nuestra parroquia y ministerios durante esta pandemia, queremos hacer lo más fácil posible para nuestros feligreses y amigos el apoyo a nuestros ministerios; a pesar de que no podamos reunirnos para la misa dominical en persona.


Cheque personal: estos pueden enviarse en nuestros sobres de colecta o en otro sobre con una nota de asignación como:  colecta, misa dominical, etc. Estos pueden enviarse a nuestra dirección postal:

St. Mary Student Parish
331 Thompson Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Por favor, tome precauciones durante el proceso para evitar la propagación de virus (lavarse las manos, no lamer el sobre para cerrarlo, sino usar una esponja o una barra de pegamento para sellar el sobre, etc.). Si bien nuestra oficina parroquial no está abierta al público, algunos miembros del personal se mantienen al día con tareas administrativas esenciales.

Donaciones en línea: Muchos de ustedes ya se han registrado y donado en línea, lo cual es de gran ayuda para nosotros. Gracias. Si desea hacer una donación única o usar/crear una cuenta para hacer donaciones recurrentes, utilice este enlace:

Venmo: St. Mary Student Parish está en Venmo @SMSPumich. Únase a muchos de los estudiantes y feligreses que usan esta aplicación de pago en su teléfono inteligente para enviar dinero cada semana desde su cuenta bancaria directamente a la colecta.


Meta de presupuesto anual $ 1,020,000
Meta del año a la fecha (YTD) $ 813,000
Monto recaudado $ 815,840
Arriba (abajo) Meta YTD: $ 2,840


Meta de presupuesto de domingos de abril: $ 25,000
Domingo 05/04/2020 (Semana 40): $ 18,750
Arriba (abajo) Meta YTD: $ (6,250)


“Inspirado por la espiritualidad ignaciana, vivimos una fe que hace justicia, llegando a los marginados”. Nuestra misión parroquial permanece en el corazón de todo lo que hacemos. Si desea donar directamente a los feligreses de St. Mary afectados por esta pandemia por desempleo y otros factores de riesgo, envíe un correo electrónico a Anna Boesch [email protected].


Debido a la extensión hasta finales de abril de la Orden Ejecutiva de la gobernadora Whitmer, Crossroads Easter Meal, originalmente reprogramada para este domingo 19 de abril, será retrasada una vez más. Los fondos recaudados para este evento se utilizarán para servir la cena con Crossroads en Detroit en una fecha posterior. Los mantendremos informados.


Página web con recursos de SMSP COVID-19
Nuestra nueva página web presenta una guía local de organizaciones que ofrecen alimentos gratuitos, asistencia médica y asistencia financiera, junto con enlaces a recursos espirituales y actualizaciones de la gobernadora Whitmer.

Formulario de ayuda mutua COVID-19 de Huron Valley
Ya sea que solicite u ofrezca un servicio, este es el formulario para usted.

Atención de salud mental: afrontando COVID-19
¡La Universidad de Michigan compartió estas ideas para cuidar su salud mental y la de sus seres queridos! Incluso si se siente bien, encontrará ideas creativas para checar a sus seres queridos y vecinos.


Indigencia en el condado de Washtenaw durante COVID-19
Peace House (Casa de la Paz) y la Asociación de Refugios del Condado de Washtenaw nos han invitado a ser defensores de los miembros de nuestra comunidad que no tienen hogar escribiendo correos electrónicos y / o cartas a funcionarios públicos. Los refugios locales están llenos y los huéspedes no pueden tener distanciamiento social. Además, no hay suficiente espacio disponible para que la gente se refugie en el lugar. El propósito de estas cartas es asegurar que haya habitaciones de hotel disponibles para las personas que buscan refugio y hacer una prórroga durante la pandemia en desalojos a casas de campaña. A continuación se presentan ejemplos de cartas a funcionarios públicos en el condado de Washtenaw:

Carta muestra al Ayuntamiento y / o Alcalde
Carta muestra a funcionarios del condado
Carta muestra al Departamento del Sheriff

¡Gracias por sus oraciones y apoyo!

Newsletter for Friday, April 17, 2020

Our weekly newsletter opens with an Easter letter from Fr. Jim:

Happy Easter to all. May we see the risen Christ in the many small acts of love and kindness we experience each day. I pray for you and your family. May God hold you close and keep you safe and healthy.

We will continue to live stream Sunday Masses. So many of you have sent words of encouragement and appreciation. Thank you. It is amazing how many of us are praying together in these Masses, all over the country, and in several Spanish-speaking countries around the world.

In this crisis, you continue to love and to be generous. We are so happy that we met our March Match goal of $100,000. As you know, these funds go into our campus ministry programs. Thank you for your love and generosity.

Thank you for also participating with the Steier Group planning study. As you know, we contracted with the Steier Group before this terrible pandemic. It is hard to think of the future when the present is so challenging. The data we are collecting will serve us well in the future when life becomes a new normal. The participation rate in this study, given the circumstance, has been incredible. This is the last week to participate by returning the survey. We will receive a summary of their findings next week. Thank you for being so passionate about our mission here at St. Mary Student Parish, and if you haven’t taken the survey, you can click here to learn more and do so today.

Fr. Jim

Read below for our weekly updates and scroll all the way to the bottom to read about an advocacy opportunity for those experiencing homelessness right here in Ann Arbor.

Haga clic aquí para ver las noticias parroquiales en español.


We will continue to live-stream mass on Sundays. English mass at 9 a.m. will stream live on our website, followed immediately by Spanish mass at 10:10 a.m. Recordings will be available immediately following the masses at the same location:

Scheduled mass intentions will be offered by the Jesuit Community, but not necessarily on the scheduled date.


For all those who are sick and suffering, especially Jane Monahan and Annie and Justin Siciliano. May they receive healing hope and tender love, we pray to the Lord.

That God may give eternal rest to all whom he has called from this life, especially Mark Kolevar, Thomas Van Meter, Marcos Cristobal Barba Andrade, Redencion Montalbo-Hernandez, Ron Karczewski, José Sebastián González Cervantes, Joy Ross, and Bernard H. Bichakjian we pray to the Lord.

If you would like a name added to either of these special intercessions, please email [email protected].


Thank you for your generous support of our work here at St. Mary Student Parish. We are only able to do the work of ministry because of your generosity. As we strive to meet the needs of our parish and ministries during this pandemic, we want to make it as easy as possible for parishioners and friends to continue to support our ministries, though we are not able to gather together for Sunday mass in person.


Personal Check: These can be sent in our offertory envelopes or in another envelope with a note for allocation, such as offertory, Sunday mass, etc. These can be sent to our mailing address:

St. Mary Student Parish
331 Thompson Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Please use precautions in the process to prevent the spread of viruses (washing hands, not licking to close the envelope, but using a sponge blotter or glue stick to seal the envelope, etc.). While our parish office is not open to the public, a few staff members are keeping up with essential administrative tasks.

Online Giving: Many of you have signed up for online giving, which is a great help to us. Thank you. Whether you would like to make a one-time gift or use/create an account to make recurring gifts, please use this link:

Venmo: St. Mary Student Parish is on Venmo @SMSPumich. Join many students and parishioners who use this payment app on their smartphone to send money from their bank account straight to the offertory each week.


Annual Budget Goal $1,020,000
Year-to-Date (YTD) Goal $813,000
Amount Collected $815,840
Above (below) YTD Goal: $2,840


April Sunday Budget Goal: $25,000
Sunday 4/05/2020 (Week 40): $18,750
Above (below) YTD Goal: ($6,250)


“Inspired by Ignatian spirituality, we live a faith that does justice, reaching out to the marginalized.” Our parish mission remains at the heart of all we do. If you’d like to give directly to St. Mary parishioners affected by this pandemic through unemployment and other risk factors, please email Anna Boesch [email protected].


Due to the extension through the end of April of Gov. Whitmer’s Executive Order, the Crossroads Easter Meal originally rescheduled for this Sunday, April 19, has once again been delayed. Funds raised for this event will be used to serve dinner with Crossroads in Detroit at a later date. We will keep you posted.


SMSP COVID-19 Resources Webpage
Our new webpage features a local guide of organizations offering free food, healthcare support, and financial assistance, along with links to spiritual resources and updates from Governor Whitmer.

Huron Valley COVID-19 Mutual Aid Form
Whether you’re requesting a need or offering a service – this is the form for you.

Mental Health Care: Coping with COVID-19
The University of Michigan shared these ideas for caring for your mental health and your loved ones! Even if you’re feeling okay, you’ll find creative ideas on checking in on loved ones and neighbors.


Homelessness in Washtenaw County during COVID-19
Peace House (MISSION) and the Shelter Association of Washtenaw County have invited us to be advocates for our community members experiencing homelessness by writing emails and/or letters to public officials. Local shelters are crowded leaving guests unable to socially distance. Furthermore, there’s not enough space available for folks to shelter-in-place. The purpose of these letters are to make sure hotel rooms are accessible and to establish a moratorium on tent evictions during the pandemic. Below are sample letters to public officials in Washtenaw County:

Sample Letter to City Council and/or Mayor
Sample Letter to County Officials
Sample Letter to Sheriff’s Department

Thank you for your prayers and advocacy!

Reflexión para el viernes 17 de abril

Padre Patricio comparte una reflexión para el viernes 17 de abril.

Reflection for Friday, April 17, 2020

Campus minister Anna Boesch shares a quick reflection on the daily readings for Friday, April 17, 2020.

Reflection for Thursday, April 16, 2020

Amy Ketner shares a reflection on the daily readings for Thursday, April 16, 2020.

Reflexión para el jueves 16 de abril

Padre Patricio comparte una reflexión para el jueves 16 de abril.

Reflexión para el miércoles 15 de abril

Padre Patricio comparte una reflexión para el miércoles 15 de abril.

Reflection for Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Campus minister Brian Cerabona shares a reflection on the daily readings for Wednesday, April 15, 2020.

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