Peace Is Only Found In Yes

Written by Elaina Jo Polovick on Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent

As the semester is coming to a close (more quickly than I want to accept) I have started seeing deadlines approaching. I think about all the events I need to plan and decisions I need to make about choosing which graduate school I’ll attend next year. I know that now is the time to say yes, but I’ve been struggling to find peace in my yes. I was struck by today’s reading from Ezekiel where we are called to say yes to the covenant that God offers us:

 I will make with them a covenant of peace;
it shall be an everlasting covenant with them,
and I will multiply them, and put my sanctuary among them forever.
My dwelling shall be with them;
I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

unnamed (2)Unlike many things in our busy lives there is no deadline to respond to this offer from God. When I reflect on this covenant in which God offers us peace and unconditional love, I find myself feeling more open to saying yes. In saying yes to God’s promise of peace I have begun to find peace in my yes to the graduate school I’m being called to. As I struggled to pray about my yes, I came across this prayer: Peace is only found in yes.  (Anthony de Mello, SJ)

This resonated deeply with me. I found myself saying yes to God’s covenant, and finally to the graduate school I believe I’m being called to. As I say this yes, I feel a peacefulness within myself. Peace is found in saying yes.

Questions for Reflection:
What are you called to say yes to?
How can we enter into God’s covenant of peace more fully as we prepare to enter into Holy Week?


elainajoElaina Jo Polovick
Elaina Jo is one of the peer ministers at St. Mary Student Parish. She works with the special events team as well as a smattering of other programs.

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