Taking a Leap of Faith

Written by Chandler Missig on Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent

Have you ever felt that you live life on the safe side? Do you go through daily routines without ever stepping outside of your comfort zone? This is the way I have always been. I have always found comfort in the predictability of my life, even in terms of my faith. However, when I went on my Alternative Spring Break trip to Nicaragua, this all changed. I have finally learned the value of getting out of my comfort zone in order to say yes to God and His love.

leap_of_faith_by_nickorealOne “yes” I said was when I applied to be a site leader for Nicaragua. Although I was slightly nervous to lead a group in a foreign country, I felt a sense of empowerment that allowed me to say yes without much hesitation. When I received news that I was chosen to site lead, I knew that God was saying yes right back to me.

Another “yes” I experienced occurred on the third day of my trip. My group spent the week in Nicaragua constructing a house for a single mother, Angelica, and her three children. Every day, a different group of us was able to spend time tutoring Angelica’s children in English. When it was my group’s turn to do this, I felt slightly distant due to the language barrier. I was sitting next to Angelica’s 14-year-old son Sandro and as the minutes ticked by, I began to feel the Holy Spirit working on my heart. Barriers seemed to fade away and be replaced with intense feelings of joy. I was convinced that I saw God through Sandro’s smile and enthusiasm. Later that day, he untied a bracelet he had on his ankle and retied it onto my wrist. Tears filled my eyes and joy filled my heart. Sandro’s love and selfless act enabled me to break through barriers I had placed around myself and wholeheartedly say yes to God’s presence and love.

In order to experience the unconditional love that God desires for us to have, we must be willing to step out of our comfort zone, take a leap of faith, and allow his love to change our hearts.

Questions for Reflection:
Is there a time you can think of when you took a step outside what was comfortable to experience God in a new way?
How can you try to have an experience like this during Holy Week?

Chandler-Missig-214x300Chandler Missig
Chandler is a junior majoring in Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience.  She is currently St. Mary’s intern for Family Faith Formation. After graduating, Chandler hopes to pursue a Master’s degree in Secondary Education.
Email: chanmiss@umich.edu

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