Joy in the Desert

Written by Sharon Diotte on Monday of the Third Week of Lent

We focus a lot on the suffering of Lenten sacrifice, but this season also offers special gifts of joy. The benefits of giving up something that does not serve your highest good are boundless.

Some years ago, when living on Easter Island, I became addicted to cigarettes. Everyone around me smoked, all day long. I was unable to kick the habit while I was in that environment, but when I walked the tarmac and climbed the stairs into the plane that would carry me back to the US where no one in my social circle smoked, I was filled with a delirious glee in knowing that I no longer needed to feel controlled by the sickening addiction. A great weight was lifted. I felt light and buoyant. Of course there were endless benefits to being freed from the addiction.

Untitled123Each Lent, Jesus asks me to follow him into the desert of my own vision quest, inviting me to give up something that does not serve my highest good. Sometimes it is a addictive habit that is stagnating me – worry, jealousy, doubt, insecurity, fear, pride; there are many. Sometimes I need to give up eating sugar or white flour because those things are sapping my physical strength. It’s hard to resist addictions all by myself. But the beauty of Lent is that I am not alone. Jesus sits here with me in the desert.

My St Mary’s family is also here with me. I am comforted and inspired by so many of you who share your experience with me through this Lenten blog. In this loving space, we travel the Lenten journey together, learning from each other. Here, the work of freeing myself from my addictions becomes joyous. I feel light and buoyant.

I am blessed to be a member of this spiritual family.

Questions for Reflection:
In what ways do you feel our spiritual family supporting your Lenten experience?
Is there someone among us that needs your personal support? What might that look like?


Sharon DSharon Diotte
Sharon is a retired parishioner at St. Mary Student Parish.

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