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Freshman year was difficult. Nothing can compare to it: leaving home, the only life I had known up to that point, and moving to a huge university where I could be surrounded by people and still feel lonely. I was told that it takes time to make friends, which is true, but the waiting was excruciating.

I came to mass by myself one Sunday, and prayed that God would help me get through the next few weeks until I could go home again. At the end of mass, I heard an announcement for the Small Church Communities. I cannot describe what I felt, but something in me moved and I felt an urge to join an SCC. I hoped that I would make some friends and maybe learn a little more about my faith.

When our first meeting rolled around, I was a nervous wreck. I have always been shy and really didn’t know what an SCC would be like. Even so, I went and was amazed by the community created in this group. I made some of my best friends here in Ann Arbor, one of which is now my roommate. Now, almost 3 years later, we still meet as a group and my SCC helps me to bring God into my daily life. I have grown tremendously in my faith, and I can honestly say that my Small Church Community has changed my life.

Elise Huber is junior studying Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan

Interested in joining an SCC? Please visit our SCC Registration Form.


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