2020 Year-End Appeal

2020 Year-End Appeal

Here I am, the servant of the Lord, let it be with me according to your word. Luke 1:38

Some of the words that come to my mind when thinking about this past year are: strange, unexpected, difficult, challenging, sad, inspiring, and grace-filled.  As you can see, I have been emotionally and spiritually all over the place. COVID-19 has humbled us.  The senseless killing of George Floyd and others has disheartened us and opened our eyes anew to the sin of racism. The outpouring of nonviolent protesters gives us hope for a better future. The tumultuous elections reveal the divide among us and the need to work together for the common good.  We are living in an economic, political, and health crisis that we never imagined.

This past year I have often pondered Mary’s words and her “yes.”  Not knowing the consequences and the hardships that were ahead of her, Mary said “yes, I am your servant, let it be according to your word.”  She accepted God’s mission to bring Jesus into the world. She heard and saw because she was praying and discerning.

Perhaps you too have seen the presence of God this past year. I have had the privilege of spending  time with so many families in our parish with baptisms, first communions, confirmations, weddings, funerals, outdoor cookouts, etc., and I have seen your love and faith. I have seen God in so many of you who have kept me well fed this past year! God’s presence is revealed in our staying connected, reconnecting with old friends, and reaching new friends across the country and around the world with our live-streamed Masses. As many of our families have struggled to put food on the table for their children, so many of you have become angels through your generous donations.

As we enter into this season of Advent and Christmas, I find myself remaining hopeful because of you. These days are shorter and darker, but it is your shining light that has me smiling. Our mission is all possible because of our collective yes.  I am so grateful for you and your ongoing generosity, and I hope that I can ask for just a little bit more.  As you know, it is time again for our Annual Appeal, and we need your help. Our goal this year is to raise $400,000 to help keep our Campus Ministry program thriving. We are committed to our ongoing Christian formation and the formation of young Catholic leaders for tomorrow.

I invite you to prayerfully consider what you and your family can give this year to our Annual Appeal. This Advent, inspired by Mary’s courage and fidelity, let’s continue to “say yes” together at St. Mary Student Parish, and courageously and faithfully bring Christ into the world. You can give online today: https://michigancatholics.org/about/give/

May this beautiful season fill you and your families with light, hope, and love.

With grateful prayers and affection,
Rev. James Gartland, SJ


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