Season of Sacred Pregnancy

Written by Sharon Diotte on Thursday of the Second Week of Advent

Prayers-for-Expectant-MothersJesus gestating within the belly of woman,
Christ gestating within the consciousness of all.

During Advent, excitement escalates as we anticipate Christmas morning when we will again celebrate the birth of Jesus into our world. What do we mean when we say Jesus was fully human and fully divine? It means we believe that Jesus became fully conscious of the Cosmic Christ – the template of harmony through which all is sourced and by which all is infused. He came to know that he was not separate from God. Jesus said “I and the Father are one” and he modeled what life looks like when we live each day as though the presence of God within ourselves, within all people and within all things, really matters.

Each Advent we wait expectantly for the rebirth of Christ within each of us. Advent is not a passive season. Each of us prepares ourselves through prayer, sacred readings and meditation, knowing that we are all part of the Whole evolving in Christ consciousness. The second coming of Christ is not an isolated future event. It is the ongoing evolution of Christ consciousness within every woman, man and child.

During this Advent season may we, each and all, earnestly and joyfully follow Jesus the Christ into Christ consciousness. May we remember that we are not each separate but each part of the Whole.


Sharon DSharon Diotte
Sharon is a retired parishioner at St. Mary Student Parish.
Contact: [email protected]

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