God Sure is Good

Written by Davis Argersinger on Holy Saturday

Throughout much of my life, I never quite understood the relationship I had with God. I attended Christmas Eve and Easter services with my family at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, but I didn’t spend much time in church outside of those two dates. I knew God was somehow present in my life, but I had no formal way of growing closer to Him. That all changed though when I started dating my girlfriend Molly, whose passionate Catholic faith helped me understand that God was in fact working through her to lead me to the Catholic Church. She was, and is, a continuous example to me of how great life can be when lived with an unending appreciation of God’s grace. Towards the end of my senior year in high school, I had decided that I wanted to join the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program at St. Mary’s. God had so graciously blessed me with the desire to become Catholic.

unnamed (3)I soon realized that God’s blessings during my RCIA faith journey were only beginning to rain down upon me. My loving mom, Sarah, whose desire for faith was so similar to mine, had decided to join RCIA with me. Beginning our journeys together towards closeness to God, side-by-side, will always be one of the greatest blessings of my life. As RCIA I had begun, I was blessed with the fellowship of my sponsor Bart, whose enduring and enthusiastic Catholic faith I could only hope to someday parallel. I was provided with so much love and support. God sure is good.

As I reflect back on my first year in the Catholic Church, I have trouble expressing the thankfulness I have for God, and for all of His children who have helped me seek His closeness. As found in the readings for tonight’s Easter Vigil, “God indeed is my savior; I am confident and unafraid. My strength and my courage is the LORD, and he has been my savior” (IS 12:2-3).

Let us always prayerfully thank God for the wonderful desire He has given us to be Catholic.

Question for Reflection & Suggestion for Prayer:
In thinking about your Lenten journey, in what areas of your life do you desire further closeness to God?
Always thank God for the day that stands ahead of you.


unnamed (2)Davis Argersinger
Davis is a sophomore premedical student majoring in psychology at the University of Michigan. He entered the Catholic Church through St. Mary’s RCIA Program in 2014. Davis is incredibly thankful for the support that St. Mary Student Parish has given him during his first year as a Catholic.
Email: davisarg@umich.edu

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