Prayer and God’s Will

Written by Aaron Berkholz on Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent

“Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” (Matthew 6:8)

My family has been blessed to have participated in the Family Faith Formation program for six years. It has provided not only a learning experience for my family, but the student catechists are an example of selflessness. I was once in college, enjoying all that Ann Arbor had to offer. Teaching religious education to a group of 3rd graders at 8 o’clock on a Sunday morning would not have been high on my list of priorities.

As part of this year’s program, the parents were asked to read “A Well Built Faith – a Catholic’s Guide to Knowing and Sharing What We Believe” by Joe Paprocki. A thought provoking concept in the book is that we do not pray to influence God, but instead to bring us into alignment with God’s will. This can be a difficult concept to recognize during those trying times in our lives; the loss of a job, the illness of a family member, or the passing of a loved one.

unnamed (1)I personally think of the passing of my brother during my time in college, and my understanding of prayer as a younger person. I could not fathom why God had not answered all of the prayers that were raised on Ryan’s behalf. I was raised Lutheran, but we had Catholics, Seventh-day Adventists, and a variety of other faith traditions praying on Ryan’s behalf, just to make sure we were covered.

Looking back, now I consider the fact that while it was not God’s will that Ryan be miraculously healed, he provided Ryan with the strength to persevere, despite the serious health challenges he experienced. Ryan was an example of living the faith. Ultimately that was the Father’s will for Ryan, as it is for all of us.

Question for Reflection:
When we pray, are we praying for a specific outcome to a difficult situation, or for the Father to bring us into alignment with His will?

unnamedAaron Berkholz
Aaron met his wife, Tina, during their college years at the University of Michigan. They were married by, and all three of their kids were baptized by Fr. Bill Lanphear at St. Mary Student Parish. He is a civil engineer, working at OHM Advisors in Livonia.

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