Now Is the Time to Say Yes

Written by Brittany Tobias on the Fifth Sunday of Lent

I can remember a time when I thought I’d have it all figured out by the age of 25. After all, my parents had met in college and wasn’t that just the perfect place to fall in love? By 25 I’d have my dream job, be married to my dream husband, and we’d definitely be living in my dream house. On my 25th birthday I found myself recently laid off, broken up with, and living alone in a slightly charming, dilapidated vintage studio in Chicago.

It was easy to say, God why am I here in this place? It was easy to feel like I needed to be saved. I felt so alone, out of touch, and definitely overlooked. There was no possible way this period of utter despair could be part of a bigger plan.

1014073.largeDesperate to keep my life somewhat together, I quickly said yes to the first job I was offered. With that came new responsibilities, coworkers, and an increased awareness of self. At this point I was mostly going through the motions of daily life, hoping for more but knowing that I had missed my personal deadline.

Two and a half years later, at age 27, I had no idea my life was about to change. I had recently broken my leg and foot and was battling the 5 feet of snow on the narrowly shoveled streets of Chicago like a crab on crutches. My future husband Ryan walked into our office. We met and I learned we’d be working side by side and literally sharing a cube. As our friendship grew into something more, I realized that our shared Michigan roots and love of classic novels, boating, and traveling could be what I’d hoped to find by age 25.

At age 29 while overlooking Salzburg, Austria on a foggy afternoon, Ryan finally asked the question I thought I’d never hear. And I said yes. I still claim that he never actually said more than so will you, repeatedly, merely implying the marry me part. But he could ask a million different ways and million different times. I will always answer yes.

Since then, our journey has brought us much love and success as we start life together in Ann Arbor. I can easily cross off husband and job from my 25 year old self’s checklist and truly believe that the younger, naïve version of me isn’t disappointed but instead is my biggest fan.

This spring, as we begin to navigate the challenging Ann Arbor housing market, I can only hope to say yes again soon… all the while praying for patience.




Brittany-Tobias-214x300Brittany Tobias
Brittany joined SMSP in September and enjoys living on the Old West Side and exploring Ann Arbor. Recently married, Brittany and her husband Ryan relocated to Ann Arbor from Chicago. Brittany brings eight years of marketing experience in commercial real estate and advertising to SMSP and is excited to enhance our communications platform!

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