Forget Me (Not!)

Written by Jane Aseltyne on Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent

We’ve all been there. That dreaded moment when it dawns on us that we forgot something important: a loved one’s birthday, an anniversary, an email from a friend needing a favor. We feel bad that we forgot, and we hope the other person doesn’t feel ignored, taken for granted, or minimized as a result. Why is it that when we forget something, we can go through the gamut of emotions: guilt, frustration, anxiety, and just generally feeling bad?

unnamed (2)In our humanness, it’s natural to always want to be the best at whatever we do and never miss a beat. But in our humanness, we also will mess up. We will fall out of sync. And when we do, it can be difficult to forgive ourselves.

But during those times when we feel down and out, God still desires to be close to us. We read in Isaiah these words of comfort from God, “I will never forget you.” How cool is that?! Just when we need it most, God’s promise of never leaving us comes sweeping in.

Lent is a great time for us to return to God with expectant hearts, knowing that when we call on God, God answers. God never forgets. Let us invite God into the spaces of our lives that need healing and peace. It just might be that when we let God in–and let go of feeling bad about our failures–we’ll have space freed up in our hearts and minds to remember the things that truly matter!

Questions for Reflection:
What are the areas in your life that could use Jesus’ love and healing?
What do you hope to receive from Jesus as we move towards Easter?


unnamed (1)Jane Aseltyne
Jane entered the Church in 2013 through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program at St. Mary Student Parish. When she’s not out riding her bike or watching cat videos on YouTube, you can find her Tweeting, Facebooking, and Instagramming at A Nun’s Life Ministry, where she is the Office Manager. A Nun’s Life is based online at

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