Finding Meaning in Service

Written by Jon Perry on Wednesday of the Second Week of Lent

As Spring break approaches, preparations are being made for cross country trips to beautiful vacation spots and back home for some home cooking. I am preparing mentally and spiritually for a whole other type of break.  I have the great privilege to be able to travel to Baltimore, Maryland and serve the community there through the Alternative Spring Break program here at St. Mary. This will be my second ASB experience, as last year I traveled to Meridian, Mississippi to work in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity and help rebuild a home for an elderly man.


This opportunity is not new to me, as my faith life has been closely tied with service since very early in my life. From a young age, I was raised in a typical Catholic home and have always attended Sunday Mass and been around my parish several times a week. Throughout grade school and then fully in to high school, I was involved in my parish’s youth group, which was heavily predicated on service. Additionally, I was a member of the National Honor Society where further service opportunities were made available to me.

Up until that point, service was always a great way to give back and use my time in a very proactive and good way. However, when I came to study here at the University of Michigan, I no longer had the opportunity to serve within my youth group or NHS. Without the daily option to serve others, I realized how much of an impact the act of service had on me. I have been extremely blessed again to have found the Service Fraternity Alpha Phi Omega, in addition to St. Mary’s where I can serve others. But this wasn’t all, I have found, through my growth spiritually with God, that the service to others is just as much a blessing for those serving as it is to those being served. Service isn’t just an activity, it’s a lifestyle.

Question for Reflection & Suggestion for Prayer:
How has service impacted your life and what does it mean to you?
Have a conversation with God about how he wants you to serve others.

unnamed (6)Jon Perry
Jon is a sophomore studying Sport Management within the School of Kinesiology. In addition to being involved at St. Mary Student Parish, he is a member of the service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega and the student group Students Helping Honduras.  He works in the sports section at WOLV TV and plays on the U of M Club Baseball team.

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