Be Not Afraid

Written by Peggy Sheagran on Tuesday of Holy Week

Today’s gospel reading acknowledges Jesus’ awareness that Judas would betray him.  “One of you will betray me…” I often try and picture this scene, especially during Holy Week.  Imagine the disciples glancing around the room, wondering who Jesus’ betrayer might be.  A few disciples may have even feared that they themselves might be Jesus’ betrayer, given the fear and uncertainty they all were undoubtedly experiencing.  Imagine the disciples thinking – I want to trust, to unconditionally believe, but I get scared sometimes.

unnamed (1)In the 1998 bestseller, Who Moved My Cheese?, the author asks a profound question:  “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”  The disciples had reason to be afraid as they listened to their beloved friend forecast his impending death at the last supper.  They had reason to be afraid as, while their friend reassured them that he would “rise in three days”, what in the world did that even mean?  They had reason to be afraid, after hearing that someone in the room would hand Jesus over to individuals who would eventually take his life.  While perhaps not to this extreme, we all have reasons to be afraid.  But, do we allow those reasons to prevent us from living the life Jesus has in store for us?

So, what would you do if you weren’t afraid?  If you wholeheartedly trusted that Jesus was protecting every hair on your head, what would you do differently in your life?  Would you change majors to follow your heart? Would you express your feelings more truthfully at the risk of not being “liked”?  Would you forego some income to redirect your career to find your dream job?  Would you let go of an addiction despite the fear of embarrassment or exposing your need for help? Would you acknowledge Jesus’ soft (or sometimes not so soft) nudge to go in a different direction at the risk of being less “in control”?

Maybe it’s time to make a spiritual bucket list of the things you’d do if you knew Jesus would guide and protect you every step of the way…because He would.

Question for Reflection & Suggestion for Prayer:
What would you do if you weren’t afraid?  Find some quiet time to make a list.
Read/sing the words to the song: “Be Not Afraid”.


unnamedPeggy Sheagren
Peggy grew up in Ann Arbor and has been a resident for all but eight years of her life.  She’s a grateful wife and mom (2 boys), and a proud UM alum.  She currently works in UM’s School of Kinesiology.

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