A Lenten Examen on the RCIA Experience

Written by Paul Parker on Wednesday of the First Week of Lent

Recently I have had the privilege to participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) through St. Mary Student Parish, led by Rita Zyber, Fr. Eric Sundrup, S.J., and many dedicated volunteers. When I started college, I entered a period of my life in which I neglected God. Back then, He was something I could put on hold: “I’ll go to church, right after this big exam,” I would often say to justify what was actually lack of interest in God. That all changed when I attended a St. Mary’s Mass by way of a Catholic friend. For the first time in several years, I felt completely at home in a church community. The welcoming parishioners, ministers, and priests, were quite a surprise to a Protestant-raised boy like me, who previously only saw the Catholic faith as stiff, antiquated, and living up to the, “smells and bells” stereotype.


At St. Mary I soon found God gradually making his way back into my life. The Masses at St. Mary touched me and allowed me to reflect and think about my life, how I had drifted from the Lord, yet how I was still serving him at the same time. I found that simple prayer and listening to the liturgy being celebrated each week to fill me with such a sense of peace and belonging. I began seriously considering the Catholic faith as more than just another denomination, but an ancient tradition with incredible devotion to Christ, one which I began to desire to become a part of. By last summer, through listening to God’s call and his blessings in my life, I knew: the time had come for me to become Catholic myself.

Since beginning the RCIA process not long ago, I could not be happier with my choice. Listening and reflecting on God’s call to enter this faith, the wonderful staff who leads RCIA, as well as my sponsor, Andrew Morris, have more than convinced me this is my church home. I look forward to this Lenten season as a time to further grow in my faith in preparation for my final sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation, and finally enter into full communion with the Catholic Church.

Questions for Reflection & Suggestion for Prayer:
How do you see God calling to you? In what ways can you listen to his call and understand the blessings he bestows?
Say a prayer asking God for clarity, for the sense to listen to him and understand the way he’s working in your life.

Paul Parker 2014

Paul Parker
Paul is a senior at the University of Michigan, studying Cell & Molecular Biology and Biomedical Engineering. After graduating with his Bachelor’s this May, he will return to the University of Michigan next fall to be a graduate student, getting his Master’s in Biomedical Engineering.
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